Sunday, August 7, 2016

[Clockwork Planet V3] Chapter 1 – 07:20 – Explorer

Currently, on this ‘Clockwork Planet’, humans are living on gigantic gears.
And amongst them, the major cities during the old era–before the Earth was mechanized and fitted with gears, like the capital of developed nations, or economic hubs, were uniquely designed to be distinctly different from ordinary cities.
The Multi Grid Tokyo was one of them.
It is the core of Japan, formed by multiple city grids overlapped over each other. Hailed as the largest population in the country, the governance, authority, communications, education, industries and cultures–all the them were considered the apex in the country, and could be said to be a complex city, a compressed essence of Japan itself.
And so, amongst them, the ‘governance’ core itself was at Grid Kasumigaseki.
It was the city of governance with many ministry buildings located there, spearheaded by the National Diet Building.
This was typically a peaceful city, where all the public sector workers would be quietly doing their work.
But on this day, the city appeared to be in a state of war from the middle of the night, until the morning.
The Defense Bureau and National Police Agency staff were scurrying around, looking utterly determined, and the Resonance Communications was filled with groans and curses from the intelligence and inspection officers associated to each bureau.
At this moment, in a certain Senate room located at Kasumigaseki in the ruling party’s headquarters, the counter-terrorist council were having a meeting.

“–So? What happened?”
The current Prime Minister slowly inquired.
He ignored the uproar that occurred since the middle of the night, and dawdled his way in only when it was morning; at this moment, he leisurely arrived at the head seat, and gave a skeptical face.
“I heard that there was a terrorist incident in the middle of the night. Is it suppressed now?”
“–Mr Prime Minister, I do say that the situation is more dire than that.”
Upon hearing the response of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Prime Minister gave a perturbed frown.
“Is there an instance of civilians being hurt? You really are worrying me here. The Cabinet was just established, and if the approval ratings are to all again…”
“That is not all that is. Right now, Grid Akihabara is in a state of complete cessation.”
The Prime Minister looked stupefied, asking,
“And right now, a certain massive weapon of an unknown military force is currently occupying Akihabara.”
The Prime Minister’s mouth was wide open as he muttered,
“An unknown, massive weapon…?”
“It can be said to be a gigantic–Super Dreadnought level of a land mobile armor. Before dawn, it took on the 7th Aerial Squad in Grid Yokosuka, and annihilated all of them…”
Having heard of this report for the first time, the Prime Minister looked somewhat anxious as he gave a perturbed face.
“Wait, you are really worrying me here. Those fighter jets are rather expensive, aren’t they? Didn’t we just cut the defense budget last year too? Now the media’s going to attack us for it.”
“As I said, there is something more dire than this, Mr Prime Minister.”
“Mr Prime Minister, please listen to his explanation.”
The ruling party’s Chief Secretary interrupted from the side, and pointed at a man.
The young man was probably in his early 30s. He was tall and frail, looking a little unreliable. His hair was casually tied up, and he was dressed in a casual jacket and denim pants. Such a racy flair was a distinct sight from the officials dressed in suit.
“…And you are?”
The Prime Minister asked, looking suspicious. The man showed a smile devoid of tension as he answered,
“It is our first meeting. My name is Yuu Karasawa, a civilian Meister–I was deployed here as a consultant for the Technology Bureau.”
“A Meister…?”
The Prime Minister looked skeptical, and Karasawa showed the ‘Chrono Compass’–the proof of a Meister.
Once the basic identity check was done, he continued on, smiling,
“To be honest, the current situation is in the worst predicament. Grid Akihabara is currently occupied by the armed forces–and if this massive weapon is to invade the other Grids, the damage will continue to spread.”
“Then what are you hesitating for? Shouldn’t you be off to suppress those terrorists? This is why the ‘military’ exists, right?”
Karasawa continued to smile even as the Prime Minister looked displeased, and calmly answered.
“It is not that simple. When the terrorist activity occurred in the middle of the night, the capital defense forces discovered a massive weapon, and entered the underground to take it head on, but–they were all annihilated.”
“And the 7th Aerial Squad that was shot down had the latest CzFG-11 planes. Coupled with the fact that the pilots were highly proficient, and they are the strongest aerial forces the ‘military’ had.”
And also,
“More importantly, once it was observed that they were wiped out, there was an attempt to attack the weapon directly using the Capital Defense Cannon…the cannon did hit the target, but it did not bring about much effective damage on the target’s armor.”
The Prime Minister was dumbfounded, and turned to look at the Defense Minister,
“…What have you been spending the yearly Defense budget on? You can’t suppress a mere terrorist cell?”
The Defense Minister’s face was red, and he hushed his voice, answering,
“If I may say, the armed forces we have are just ordinary weaponry meant for city combat. We did not have the massive firepower needed to tackle such a scenario.”
“Defending the city is the job of your people, right? You made the suppression of a terrorist cell so gaudy, it is a problem here.”
“…Our responsibility here is to defend against the invasion from foreign militaries. It is completely unexpected that a massive weapon of destruction would appear in our own soil.”
“I don’t know anything about military affairs.”
The Prime Minister, legally the commander-in-chief, continued on,
“Can’t you hurry and destroy it with some guided missiles or anything?”
Karasawa amicably interrupted,
“–The enemy does have the anti-air firepower to take out the latest weaponry, you know? Also, it has armor strong enough to withstand a direct hit from the Capital Defense Cannon. Do you intend to fire LAMS missiles onto your own country?”
“A mechanized bomb designated to eliminate any traces…in old terms, it would be a nuclear bomb.”
“Ah, ahh…if that is the case, you could have said so right from the beginning. The specialists love their acronyms–no, just no. The people will revolt. What does the ‘military’ intend to do?”
The prime minister immediately shook his head, and Karasawa informed him, his voice clearly forceful at this point,.
“In conclusion, the current situation is that it is impossible to take down that military force through brute force alone.”
“I will be troubled if you said that. That is merely the incompetence of the ‘military’, no? This responsibility–”
“It doesn’t matter who should take responsibility here.”
The Chief Cabinet Minister coldly interrupted.
He was said to be a political with a steel-like endurance. At this moment, even he could not hide his face and voice as a grim look began to appear on his face.
“You got it? Right now, Grid Akihabara is in functional breakdown because of the terrorist weapon. In fact, it is no different from being destroyed. If we leave it alone, it will only be a matter of time before the other Grids are wrecked. We have no choice but to counter it quickly.”
“I did say that it is the ‘military’–”
“The current situation is at a point where the ‘military’ fighting strength can’t settle this. This is why we have to think of countermeasures, and your decision is imperious, Mr Prime Minister.”
“We have to hurry and purge Grid Akihabara. I wish to have your permit.”
The Chief Cabinet Secretary’s words caused the Prime Minister to be dumbfounded.
“What are you saying now? How can I possibly do such a thing?”
“There is no other way.”
At this point, Karasawa lost his smile for the first time. He raised his hand and stood up, interrupting them,
“Ah, my apologies. As the consultant, purging Grid Akihabara is not something I really would like to recommend…”
The Chief Cabinet Secretary turned his head around, glaring sharply at Karasawa.
“–For what reasons?”
“Akihabara is not just a single city. Structure-wise, it is an important part to the functioning of the Multi Grid Tokyo. To purge it will certainly affect the other Grids.”
“But that is what purging is all about?”
The Chief Cabinet Secretary brusquely noted.
“And also, Akihabara is no different from being wrecked now because of that weapon. based on their saying, it would have affected the other Grids now, I suppose?”
“Of course that is the case. Akihabara’s functional failure at this point is causing a burden on the other Grids now.”
“How long can we keep this up?”
“It is fine if it is today or tomorrow, but certainly not half a year.”
“How much can you repair Akihabara in this half a year?”
“We have to look at the extent of the damage. It might be hard to tell at this point, but with the full assistance of the ‘Guild’, I would say that it is not impossible to–”
“There is nothing to talk about here.”
The Chief Cabinet Secretary cut off Karasawa’s words.
“I know you want to boast about your old nest’s abilities, but I cannot allow you putting an uncertain observation as a wish and ignoring such a reality facing you–Prime Minister!”
The Secretary ignored Karasawa’s objection as he forced the Prime Minister’s hands.
That ferocious sight of his caused the Prime Minister to be greatly intimidated. The latter’s forehead was oozing sweat, but he staggered and voiced his opposition.
“But…what about the people? Didn’t such a thing happen a few days ago? if we have to carry out a forced purge here in such a situation, the social backlash…would be terrible, no?”
“It has been more than 8 hours since the incident happened in the middle of the night. It’s a Grid with few people living in it in the first place, and they were all evacuated.”
“Wait, Secretary! That decision is too hasty!”
A female senator, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, suddenly exclaimed.
“The is still a chance for Akihabara to be restored, right? And we have yet to be sure of who we are dealing with and their objectives.. Should we first think of negotiating with the criminal group?”
“Is this the time to think about this so leisurely? I say we should take action decisively. Maybe problems will happen in the future, but isn’t it our priority to deal with the situation now?”
“Purging Akihabara is not simply a problem for our country alone! The other countries’ reactions will also–”
“If we can hurry and deal with this current situation, we can explain our way out of this no matter what happens.”
“What are you saying now!? It’s because of such discreteness that caused the folly of previous government administrations, no? If we are being heavy-handed in this, it is inevitable that the other countries will condemn us!”
“It is your job to deal with this, right?”
“I cannot agree with that thinking at all! First, we need to peacefully settle this–”
The Chief Cabinet Secretary and foreign minister were yelling away.
And the Prime Minister, sandwiched in the middle, was looking gaudy.
That anxious face was practically saying ‘what about the next elections?’

(Did I make a mistake in coming here…?)
And Karasawa, slouched on the chair, could only mutter in his heart.
He, viewed as an outsider, could only watch their bickering as he sighed in annoyance.
–It was unbecoming of them.
The man in charge was overly incompetent, had no views, and could not make any decisions.
The man who accurately grasped the situation was more practically proactive, but his ideas were too radical.
And the woman who understood the situation was an idealist, and perhaps it was unlikely of her to come up with some actual actions.
–Nothing had changed ever since a thousand years ago.
No, perhaps it had been this way since 2000 years ago. This is ‘politics’.
His old refuge, the ‘Meister Guild’–a non-profit organization that worked beyond borders, was not completely spared from this.
Perhaps such a power game was part of human nature…
Karasawa calmy observed them,and narrowed his eyes.
(I wonder if Professor Marie…and Professor Conrad are fine…)
He had accurately grasped the situation of the ‘Akihabara Terrorist Incident’ that happened during the night.
Or rather, he was one of the accomplices involved in cleaning up the mess.
His previous job was as a member of the Communications branch of the ‘Meister Guild’ First Division, second team–the team led by Marie.
And it was due to Marie’s request for help that he agreed to assist immediately…
(…But this situation has deviated from what we were talking about.)
He never showed any emotion, merely grumbling in his heart.
Leaving aside the massive weapon, the collapse of Grid Akihabara was never in the plans.
In other words, their plan failed.
As for how they should deal with it, they would be contacting him at any given moment now–
Karasawa witnessed the squabbling going on, and sighed for the umpteenth time on this day.
“I wonder if I can get some overtime pay…”

The sun was hanging high up in the sky.
The dazzlingly white sunlight was warm, raining evenly all over the city.
But even though it was the day, there were some places where the sunlight could not reach them.
In a dusty, messy underground street located in a corner of Grid Ueno–though it appeared to be rather bustling at night, it was devoid of people at this time, silent, with the shutters pulled.
But even at this time and place, there was a shop that remained functional.
The crude neon gear spun lazily, showing the filthy shop decorations.
There was no door on this shop. One could hear some light-hearted music from inside, but the shop was designed such that nobody could look inside from the entrance.
The trio were standing in front of this shop.
One of them was an extremely frail boy–Naoto, and he quietly muttered the name on the display.
“Strip the Ueno…?”
Marie instinctively lowered her sights..
The old poster plastered on the wall entered her sights.
“A replication of 150%! Everything, an all-around rotation where everything can be seen–!”
And along with such an inciting line was a girl automata of a similar age to Marie, posing in overly teasing or stimulating poses that defiled her common sense of shame, and defied the common moral conscience when it came to sex.
Marie instinctively turned her face aside.
There seemed to be something…no, one might say that everything was filthy and lewd, impure. She could be said to be completely reviled by it. She did not want to think anything about the ‘replication’ of doing 150% to it.
AnchoR was carrying RyuZU on her back, and she asked with interest,
“Papa? What is this shop…?”
“Ah, well, it’ll always be too early for you, so you shouldn’t ask~…”
Naoto merely passed it off, and he muttered to Marie beside him,
“Well…hey, is this really the address?”
“…I guess, so…yeah, it’s true.”
“But Marie.”
“Don’t say it.”
“Even if you won’t, I will. This is a shop that feels R18 no matter what, right!?”
“I don’t know!? The address leads here as far as I know!”
Marie yelled, her face blushing.
The duo hollered as they stood at the entrance of this shop, which clearly appeared to be a backalley fetish shop.
In other words, a strip club.
This was not a shop where naked women danced. The playtoy automata would wear extremely lewd clothing, do erotic dances for the onlookers, and provide lewd services–this was a club akin to a chemical reaction, where a deviation in modern society had a chemical reaction with a group of art enthusiasts with exquisite tastes.
Typically, Marie would not give a glance to it, let alone visit it–
But no matter how many times they affirmed this, this was where Conrad instructed them to head to, the rendezvous in cases of emergency.
And at this moment, someone exited from the shop, perhaps having heard of the commotion outside.
It was a graceful old man dressed in an exquisite suit.
“Professor Marie–thank goodness. Are you alright?”
Marie had completely frozen.
Standing there was Conrad, as expected. The unique monocle reflected the colorful lights from the neon gear–and it did not match him at all.
“Professor Marie, what happened!? What exactly–”
That’s what I want to ask, Marie thought.
No, there was too many things to discuss and inform, and she felt relieved after meeting this old man. However–as this was this place, she really could not be happy at all.
Feeling extremely worn out, Marie asked,
“Erm…Professor Conrad, actually…there are materials…here, right?”
“Of course. Now then, let us head in.”
Where would the ‘of course’ come from…?
Marie did not understand, but they could not discuss anything at the door, and with prompting, she went into the shop.
…However, she really had to squeeze out lots of courage just to step into the threshold.
She heard Naoto’s careful instructions to AnchoR from behind.
“AnchoR, this will be bad for your mental health, so just look down no matter what.”
“…? I understand…”

“–Hm, I see…it is more serious than I expected.”
Conrad noted sternly as he walked in front, but to be honest, Marie could not listen to anything at all.
–This space filled with ahan’ufun certainly caused all sense of tension to be gone.
The shop was basically as what Marie expected, and beyond expected.
Red light filled the shop, and it was a little dim. The areas where the automata were supposed to dance on stage were unfiltered. The BGM was intense, exotic.
The next issue was the leather sofa placed along the aisle.
That probably was the audience seat. Due to the screen, it was hard to peek inside.
–But why is there a ‘leg’ stretching out above the screen? What is the body posture like!? What is the creaking on the sofa about? What’s with the ‘I’m coming’? What miracle is that female underwear that suddenly flew above their heads!?
–Decadent. Wretched. Immoral!!
Marie was blushing furiously as she kept her eyes right in front.
But at the next moment, she spotted an automata with an amazing body showing off her amazing assets, giving an erotic wink.
Marie wordlessly looked afar.
The big sister automata gave Conrad a teasing pose, and then approached the strange acting Naoto, who was so tense he was frozen all over.
Naoto let out a squeal, for he was stroked on the butt.
AnchoR, who obediently looked down as she stood beside Naoto, asked in confusion,
“…? Papa, what’s the matter?”
“Ah, ahwawa…kids shouldn’t be looking!”
“You, too, mustn’t look! Or rather, I’m bad with this myself in the first place!”
Marie could not help but interject.
Upon hearing Marie’s reaction, Vermouth, held under her armpit, mocked,
“Hahaha, relax, Missy. Is this your first time at such a shop? I heard that you changed jobs to be a terrorist? Now there’s no need to worry about some boring laws now.”
“That isn’t the issue!”
–It’s really impossible for me to say the word ‘lewd’ in front of Professor Conrad’.
After passing through this unhealthy space, the gang entered the back room. They then head down the stairs in a single file to the basement, and at the end of it, there was a wide room.
“We’re here. Though it does appear messy.”
The room they were brought to looked a lot more decent than the one above.
There was none of the lewd things they could see or touch. The lights were white, and there was no rowdy music to be heard. Placed inside were simple beds, sofa, table, and simple living tools.
Deep inside was a thick door. It seemed there was a workshop behind it.
Having calmed down a lot more, Marie inhaled deeply.
Then, she asked a question she really wanted to ask.
“I want to be sure of the situation…Professor Conrad. But before that, may I ask something? Why this place?”
Conrad looked perplexed in the face of this question.
“It is a fine place, right? Just as you like it, don’t you?”
“Do you think I like this?”
Marie coldly retorted, and Vermouth giggled, saying,
“Right? Isn’t this a fine shop. Please allow me to visit with my lower body the next time.”
“I’ll give you a coupon later. An all-day discount is possible.”
Conrad noted amicably, and Vermouth chuckled,
“You really are understanding unlike what your appearance implies, old man. Now then, I’ll be really grateful if you give me a smoke.”
“Sorry. I stopped smoking for a few years already.”
“Now that’s a pity. Tobacco is the duty of a man, old man.”
“At my age, I’m happy with a glass of Scotch.”
“…Professor Conrad!”
Marie glared at the old gentleman with a venomous look.
Conrad raised his hands in defeat, and gently told her,
“This shop belongs to my acquaintance.”
“Professor Conrad!?”
“Yes, the boss is an old acquaintance of mine, and he does treat me to some drinks from time to time. As payment, I’m in charge of maintaining the girls, you know? That’s basically it.”
“That’s impossible. The arms of a Meister are used for this…!?”
Marie widened her eyes in shock.
Conrad was amused by this girl who was like a granddaughter to him, shrugging,
“It appeared they’re rather popular because their dancing skills have improved. Of course, he happily allowed me to use this place as a shelter.”
Also, he added mysteriously,
“I can’t say this out loud, but this is also an illegal auction place for automata.”
“In other words, this is a black market for premier automata with illegal added parts that are male-oriented. Organizations are involved, and they’ll close an eye on this, so this is the best to hide a workshop.”
“Wow, the government is corrupted…”
Naoto muttered unhappily.
Marie felt a heavy bump on her head as she cupped it, sighing,
–Yes, it was truly logical.
It really was to be expected of the Englishman Professor Conrad, who had a workshop in Grid Akihabara, to have so many relations in the far foreign country of Japan.
The workshops were inferior to an actual one, but the basic equipment were there. Though they were not hoping for military equipment, there was naturally a large number of illegal, superior parts.
But to be honest…
(While that is the case…I can’t just pass things off like this!?)
Till this point, Marie had thought of him as an outstanding gentleman, a senior worth respecting. As a technician, she learned a lot of things from this Professor Conrad–
But the rare sight of him was a pervert, one similar to Naoto…!
Having realized this reality, she felt utter despair, her footing practically beginning to collapse.
“Well…leaving aside that.”
She shook her head, and bucked up. There were more pressing issues at hand.
Marie raised a head she was holding under her armpit–Halter’s, and said,
“Anyway, please help maintain his life, okay? There’s magnetism…but if the brain inside is fine, he can probably be saved when the outer casing is swapped.
Of course, the premise was that if he was still alive, but Marie did not say it.
–As Vermouth had said, it was a miracle he was still alive, for the head was hot due to the magnetism. The life maintenance device might be wrecked before it was activated–Marie did not want to think of it this way, but his brain might have been dead. She could not guarantee at all–as to whether he was still alive.
Conrad nodded understandingly, saying,
“Hm…I suppose a brain transplant is needed. Amongst the unlicensed doctors I know of, I do know one with such an expertise. I’ll make the arrangements immediately.”
“Please. Also…”
Marie hesitated, saying,
“–Professor, are you able to get spare parts for Halter’s body? In around 2-3 hours…no, within 1-2 hours.”
“…I suppose that will be impossible now.”
“First off, it’s extremely difficult to obtain ‘military prosthetics’ at this point, and dangerous at that. To be honest, there was a plainclothes investigator who just came by, and passed by all of you. This isn’t a military market, and has something to do with the politicians.”
“It’s likely that the black market dealers in Tokyo are being investigated. Right now, it’s impossible to obtain military parts in Japan. The moment we obtain them, we’ll be eyed immediately.”
“Is that, so…?”
In that case, what could they do?
She knew very well that her hopes were slim, but her heart still sank after having this fact pointed out.
Upon seeing Marie give such a bleak look, Conrad gently comforted,
“…First, we have to hurry and put his brain on the life support. We’ll then think of the prosthetics afterwards.”
“Okay. I’ll leave this to you.”
Conrad received Halter’s head, and quickly left the room.
Marie then proceeded to pat her face.
There was no time to waste. She turned around, and said to Naoto, who was in a corner of the room.
“Naoto, bring RyuZU into the workshop. Also…use anything suitable parts to make a fan and cool it down.”
Naoto nodded, and asked in surprise,
“Ahh…but won’t water or ice cool it faster?”
“Seriously…what did you learn in school anyway? If you cool down something hot too quickly, it’ll either crack or deform–my diagnosis is that you should should do this for RyuZU, so trust me.”
Marie said, wondering,
–I just said something unreasonable, but–
AnchoR sensed Marie’s stare, and nervously lifted her head,
“? Mama?”
“Don’t call me that.”
Marie gave a brief reminder, and averted her eyes.
Halter’s anti-magnetism installation was the strongest in this world. It was designed such that for brief moments, it would be able to function within the faux-electromagnetic field created by the of the ‘Planet Governor’s electromagnetic filter.
However, the electromagnetic pulse from that weapon easily pierced through the filter.
Considering the fact that those automata could easily repel such powerful electromagnetic fields, and even remove their own magnetism–there was only one conclusion.
–‘Y’ did consider the idea of ‘an electromagnetic attack’ right from the beginning.
This cute looking thing, tilting her head skeptically while saying unreasonable things, was the proof of this. In that case, RyuZU could be repaired once she cooled down–and Marie firmly believed in that.
…How foolish.
Halter’s prosthetics–a realization of the Breguet’s full proficiency in technology, could not withstand against it, but an antique built 1,000 years ago could continue like it was nothing?
–Then what have we been doing till this point?
Marie felt the futility of all the technology she learned till this point, the humiliation, and how worthless she was as these emotions struck her chest.
However, she could not show them, for it would be unbecoming of her.
She held in the peeved emotions within her, sighed, and entered the workshop.

After a glance into the workshop, she found there were some unexpectedly decent equipment inside.
There were some models that were a little dated, but there was work machines that could be used for cutting and creating parts, and there were also hangers to hang automata, and a work desk for professional technicians to use.
For a workshop for personal use, this could be said to be the best facility possible.
“As to be expected of you, Professor Conrad…”
Perhaps she should forget the fact that this was a place to repair the dancing automata up there.
Naoto followed from behind, asking in affirmation,
“Oi Marie. Do I use this hanger to put RyuZU up?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Got it–now then, AnchoR, I’ll leave it to you.”
Okay, AnchoR chirped cheerfully as she brought her older sister to the hanger closest to the work desk, dangling it from there.
Once she was brought under a bright spot, it was obvious that RyuZU took great damage.
The biggest damage to her was the abdomen. Her clothes, and even her artificial skin were melted and worn off, showing the insides. The extremely fine cables that appeared to be nerves caused were snapped, spreading out like a bundle. The parts appeared to have taken quite some damage, and the spine could be seen even without opening the abdomen.
The skeletal contortion was more severe than Marie assumed. If she was to let RyuZU regain mobility and not correct it, it was likely the latter could not move.
If the surface appeared to be so severe in damage, what exactly was the extent of damage inside?
Naoto too watched RyuZU uneasily.
RyuZU’s damage seemed to cause him more pain than his own burn, but also–there was something–
“…Papa, can sister…be saved?”
AnchoR asked cautiously.
Naoto immediately changed his expression, smiling at her.
“Of course! We’re doing this because RyuZU needs this. Of course she’ll be saved. You don’t have to worry, AnchoR.”
Saying that, he patted the head of the girl who lowered her shoulders dejectedly.
–Though that was the hand that had a bad burn.
Marie let out a little sigh, went back the previous room, opening the first-aid box placed right next to the entrance of the room, took out something from it, and returned to the workshop.
“Hey, you need to just your burn treated.”
Marie took a syringe from the kit, saying to Naoto,
“This is a nanobot used for medical treatment. If you don’t want to die of pus forming from the burn, strip and sit there.”
“…Ah, thank you.”
After a brief thanks, Naoto did as he was told obediently.
He scowled as he slowly took off his burnt clothes, and sat at where Marie indicated.
Marie peeled off the membrane at the tip of the syringe–as thick as a juice can, and coldly noted,
“I’ll say this first, but I don’t think you’ll be able to get treated completely. There’ll still be scarring–if you don’t get an artificial skin or a skin graft.”
“It’s fine. Best possible case is that I can move.”
Marie sighed.
She aimed the syringe at the back burn on Naoto that was as bad as she thought, and began injecting.
The needleless syringe let loose, injecting a lot of nanomachines used for medical treatment along with the solution. These nanomachines had the effect of disinfecting, boosting regeneration, and being a placeholder for body functions.
To be honest, Marie was probing at this point.
The medical nanomachines were highly potent, but after injecting, there would be a sharp pain.
And she did not warn Naoto about this.
The nevers from the muscles to the skin would be influenced by the nanomachines, and he would feel great pain as a result. Even an adult man would yelp in pain due to this unbearable sensation, but Naoto never did whimper all this time.
Marie did not think he did not feel pain.
The proof was that his face was wincing, and he was clenching his fists firmly, shivering.
However, Naoto never did groan until the very end, and merely exhaled heavily at the end.
“Wait. I’ll get you some fitting clothes.”
“Ah, sorry about that. Thanks.”
Feeling some sort of setback, Marie left the room.

It was all because she said they had to do this that Naoto dragged a scorching RyuZu and moved her around.
The expression Naoto showed, what he said, and his attitude repeated in her mind over and over again.
…It’s likely. Marie thought.
No, that’s not it. Surely, if it’s that guy, that big idiot–
–If he feels there’s a ‘need’ for it, he’ll cut off his limbs without hesitation.
She felt a chill run up her spine.
That expression, that face, all of it was imprinted in her mind, affirming her belief.
It was something different from realization–it was as though it was ‘a matter of fact’, and it was somehow–

Having finally found a change of clothes, Marie returned to the workshop Naoto and the others were at.
She handed over the T shirt with the theater logo print on, probably some campaign item, to Naoto.
Naoto slipped on the sleeve of the shirt, seemed to have thought of something, and said,
“Anyway, what about that uncle there?”
He was looking at the live head that was casually tossed onto the work desk.
Vermouth, the sight of attention this time, noted with displeasure.
“Do you guys even have any conscience? If you forgot, I can help you remember. It’s not strange if I’m to die at any given moment. Hurry and get me on some life support.”
“…Seriously, why is this guy too so…”
Well, whatever, Marie shook her head.
She ignored the back of Naoto’s T-shirt that was covered with the erotic sight of automata spreading their thighs wide, saying,
“Anyway, I can’t let you rest for now. I still got some things to ask.
“Spare me already…w-wait, wait wait wait, you bitch!? Why do I get the feeling that you’re up to no good again!?”
“We’ll find you a suitable automata befitting your body, and we’ll get you on life support, so relax.”
“Are you seriously brain dead, you bitch!? You’re already think of attaching me to some blowjob doll!? What do you think a man’s pride is about!?”
“That’s no such thing.”
Marie coldly stated, and hung the automata on the hanger, putting her on the workdesk.
Then, she carelessly–or so it appeared to Naoto–detached an automata head, and latched Vermouth’s heart on it with a click.
“Shit, are you serious, you crazy bitchass of a princess…!?”
Vermouth felt a chill as he stared at this self-proclaimed genius.
It was not an abhorrence of a feminine body. He had to admit that this naive brat was capable enough to be considered as a genius.
–A cyborg had completely different functions from an automata.
One was a replication of a human body’s ‘construct’, while the other was about a human’s ‘function’.
In simple terms, an automata did not contain a ‘brain’. Depending on the functions, there were some that could continue running even without a head.
But on the other hand, a cyborg body had a ‘brain’. Thus, all prosthetics has to replicate most of a person’s original body. If not, the ‘brain’ would reject. In other words, this brat simply swapped his head with an automata, and his ‘brain’ did not think that anything was amiss.
And most surprisingly, he did not know when the life support was attached.

Feeling impressed, Vermouth muttered,
“–I see, so you aren’t a ghost, but a demon now? Sorry for saying so much about you before, Missy. If you’re a demon, being horny is obviously–warrgh!?”
The sharp sensation from the nerves caused Vermouth much pain, and he screamed in agony.
Marie finished the work behind his back, and chirped,
“Now then, let’s sort this situation out.”

The counter terrorist committee meeting was in utter chaos.
Having realized the direness and danger of the situation, discussions were in full swing.
Anyway, we should begin the purge. No, negotiate with the criminals. How about we draft in the nearby Grids military and attack? We should first think of evacuating. We should coordinate with the other counties.”
There were all kinds of views and objections, and they just could not make a decision.
In conclusion, there was no progression in the debates at all.
The Chief Secretary who was in favor of purging raised his hand, saying,
“Luckily, considering the angle, we won’t have to worry about the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’ being hit, right–?”
“Are you still sleeping?”
The Defense Minister chided,
“They have a ‘main cannon’ that shot through Grid Akihabara, an entire city Grid, and it’s something that can definitely shoot through anything! That thing dares to appear in the ‘lowest level’ of Akihabara because it gets to have the entire capital in its firing range from below, you know!? Do you not understand anything about this!?”
Another Senator yelled agitatedly,
“Speaking of which, what is that weapon actually? The power of that ‘main cannon’, it came from the deep underground, and all, aren’t those capabilities overly ridiculous or something…?”
Saying that, he stood up, scanning through those present.
Then, he thought of the existence of the civilian consultant sitting in a corner.
The consultant who was questioned–Karasawa, looked perplexed as he tilted his head.
“Are you asking me?”
“Who else?”
“Thank goodness for that. I thought you had forgotten about me.”
Karasawa giggled as he scratched his head, and stood up,
“Eh–regarding that enemy weapon, I can answer, but it’s just my theory.”
“Come straight now! What kind of a consultant are you anyway?”
“Pardon my words, but I am simply a technician hired as a consultant here–I am not well versed in electromagnetic technology that defied International regulations.”
The Senate immediately went silent, and the Senator questioning Karasawa looked utterly dumbfounded.
Another Senator looked pale as he asked,
“Electromagnetic technology, you say?”
“Yes. I read through every single word in the report, but I cannot find any explanation other than that.”
Karasawa continued with a clear, permeating voice,
“First, I could not think of anything with regards to the ‘main cannon’ that shot through Grid Akihabara. However, there was an electromagnetic pulse afterwards. The armor that withstood the Capital Defense Cannon was an electromagnetic armor or something similar, and what shot the planes down were probably electromagnetic accelerated cannons.”
Looks of terror appeared on the Senators’ faces as they groaned.
The Senator remained hopeful, asking,
“What are the chances of it being some kind of a new technology?”
“That will be impossible. No matter how it is used, a clockwork construct cannot replicate such a phenomenon–yet that weapon did it twice.”
That was,
“Grid Akihabara was completely magnetized–and most importantly, the Resonance Cannon of the Capital Defense Forces was completely nullified. Neither of these two points can be explained by the theories and explanations of what the 5 Great Enterprises are researching.
There was also the possibility of the armor that withstood the Capital Defense Cannon being made of complex alloy. A supersonic cannon could be a plausible explanation of shooting down the fighter jets.
However, it was theoretically impossible to nullify a Resonance Cannon. To create an anti-resonance phenomenon, it was not about the materials–one could only deduce that there there was something on the surface that would not cause it to vibrate.
Also, considering the fact that Grid Akihabara was magnetized–it was a naturally conclusion that the machine contained electromagnetism.
“–But you’re an amateur! How can you conclude that!?”
The Senator who raised the initial question said, having been jolted back,
Karasawa chuckled,
“Well, if I am well versed in electromagnetism, that obviously means that I am a culprit–and against the technology clauses in the ISS, you know? Research on it be forbidden, but isn’t the more pressing issue why Japan has something that has extensive use of this?”
The Senator who managed to gather himself looked paler than paper.
–Such a thing surely would not pop out so randomly. It probably was something Japan had researched on a long time ago. The ones who knew about that should be present.
That was what Karasawa was hinting at.
This heavy duty bomb unleashed by a civilian rattled every Senator, and they became uneasy.
“Wh-what proof do you have?”
“Yeah! If you don’t have any proof, stop guessing blindly there!”
“Well, pardon me for that.”
With the needle-like stares of the surrounding people, Karasawa calmly noted,
“But the threat does exists right below us. I am simply narrating my thoughts on this as a consultant.”
And the rowdy Diet room immediately went speechless.
However, they began to probe each other, and the atmosphere of skepticism caused more confusion amongst the members than before.

(If I’m to contact the ISS right now, this country will be in a deadlock…)
Karasawa sat, harboring such dangerous notions.
If the other countries were to know of this fact, they should at least agree in unison install any sanctions on Japan they could think of.
(Well, the problem is that the weapon is aimed at this government…and then what?)
Would it become an excuse for this situation?
This involved the international regulations that the ISS and relevant organizations had.
However, this was the situation Karasawa understood–

First, the use of electromagnetic technology.
Second, a weapon that is built can cause great devastation to a city Grid.
Third, Considering limited resources, mass depletion of resources that were of no benefit to the planet’s operation.
Fourth, Anon-fixed cannon capable of shooting 50km.
Fifth, The above–that is done without the special approval or security issues from the ISS.

These 5 issues alone were a breach of the ISS, and also trampled over at least two clauses of the clauses of the International Security Council (INSC), The International Electromagnetic Council (IEC), the World Commodities Organization (WCO).
(…However, in that case, everyone’s caught in an ant trap.)
Yes–every country had such a thing, no exceptions.
There was no country that abided by such a rule, even if it was a third world country that was not worth mentioning. At the very least, that was the belief they had in each other–and because of that, no need for any surveillance.
Thus, once it was discovered, all a country would face were penalties.
However, the problem was–that the weapon was not under the government’s control.
(To be honest, if it invades the other countries, things will get easier.)
Karasawa pondered about the chaos that would ensue.
In that case, each country would settle this while ‘military judgement’. No matter how forbidden that powerful weapon might be, it could not continue to run forever. Surely, it was a matter of fact that it would be crushed in a battle of attrition.
No matter how potent that weapon was, it was still a single ‘fighting strength’. That alone would not be enough to break the world’s power balance, and tactically, a powerful single unit would be hard to capitalize on.
However, it did not do anything, except to aim the cannon at its own country…why?

Karasawa stared at the muttering Diet–the sleazy politicians who were going from probing to backstabbing each other, and suddenly realized.
–I see. So that’s what they’re aiming at? Those bastards.

“…So in other words, that weapon can just stay there, and that’s all? The government and Military will just self-destruct–that’s why you’re saying that they won’t do anything?”
Marie muttered with a trembling voice.
Having considered all this, that weapon–no, the enemies were probably inside them, not going to move.
Vermouth nodded his eyes to indicate his agreement, and said,
“But if this guess is correct, we have a problem…right brat?”
“Yeah, because those guys won’t let things end off like this.”
“What do you mean?”
Marie did not understand the meaning of their conversation, and scowled.
Naoto sighed and shook his head, answering,
“Well, you can say that the weapon isn’t moving…at the same time though, ‘it can’t move’.”
“I don’t know anything about electromagnetic technology…but it can’t move without a power source, right?”
“Well…I guess there’s probably a battery or a generator or something.”
Marie’s words seemed to confirm Naoto’s doubts, and he nodded,
“It’s probably powered by gears.”
Marie opened her mouth in shock.
This weapon contained technology and armaments that destroyed all gear functions, but the weapon itself was built through gear technology…? Would it not be self-destruction?
While Marie showed a look of doubt on her face, Vermouth said,
“I think they combined the use of insulators and conducting gears. It’s not simply a usage of old technology–I’ll say it’s a hybrid that fuses clockwork and electromagnetism.
Marie frowned upon hearing Vermouth’s words,
“I understand the theory…but is such a thing really possible?”
“It’s already possible. That’s why that large weapon is giving off electromagnetic power and moving.”
Vermouth continued.
“The Hybrid Electromagnetic Tactical Class weapon ‘Yatsukahagi’–I think that’s the official name. It’s funny, isn’t it? The ones who gave that name isn’t those guys, but the government.”
“What’s going on?”
“My team found a few formal words ‘plans’ on that blueprint–do you think those guys now will write it down?”
Before Marie could answer, Vermouth sarcastically noted,
“–‘A Research Agreement on the Clockwork Year 985, March 25th regarding the research on a hybrid electromagnetic tactical class weapon’–the Prime Minister, the Chief Cabinet Minister and Defense Ministers signed that agreement. Isn’t it funny!?”
Nobody could laugh.
Marie’s face appeared completely frozen, and Vermouth said to her,
“…Well, in other words, that big thing’s power source probably isn’t any different from the others. It’s a spring generator that uses gravity and converts it to energy, though I don’t know the total number in there…”
Naoto confirmed.
“It sounds weird, but there’s no doubt it’s the sound of springs. Also, those guys seem to be ‘recharging’.”
Marie and Vermouth’s eyes got sharper.
Naoto never noticed them as he frowned and continued,
“I guess the initial light, and that forbidden…whatever, electric pulse? Anyway, that depleted all its power. I don’t know why, but it’s continuing to replenish almost 10% of its power, and at the same time, it’s recharging steadily. Until it regains full mobility again–from when I heard it in Akihabara, there was 71 hours, 32 minutes and 12 seconds. It’s been 5 hours since then…so about 66 and a half hours. Until then, it can’t move.”
Upon hearing that, Vermouth widened his eyes.
“Hey brat, did you have a look at the blueprint–no, even that can’t explain this. Who the hell are you?”
Marie ignored this obvious question, and pressed on,
“–So you’re saying that the weapon can only stay there during this 66 hours and 30 minutes? Unable to move? Are you sure?”
She questioned, and Naoto shook his head,
“I don’t understand anything about electromagnetism at all. If they give up on a lot of armaments and allocated the power too, maybe it’ll get moving before then. Just to add on, I don’t know what’s the 10% power used for, so maybe it’ll recover faster if it stops depleting–but this isn’t the problem.”
“What do you mean…is there still something?”
Marie frowned in surprise, and Vermouth said,
“It’s Checkmate, and they want to ‘begin recharging again’. Do you still not understand, you naive Princess?”
Marie raised her eyebrows as she turned around, and Vermouth sneered, telling her,

“This is no longer a terrorist act–it’s a ‘coup d’etat’. They’re waiting for the government to break and self-destruct, and then–they’ll come up with something.”

Marie immediately understood.
She was speechless, remained blank as she widened her emerald eyes in shock.
Linking all the prior clues together, there was only one conclusion.
That was–a chokehold.
Of course, that was the reason why Vermouth called it a ‘checkmate’.
A terrorist act? It was not something that obvious. As the term ‘Checkmate implied’, the enemy had an ace that could topple the country. The little stunt Marie and the others did far paled in comparison.
One had to wonder how much time, how much obsession, how much of that limitless malice did the forces of Mie–no, the old Shiga forces, were able to come up with this strategy, and considering that–
It was to be expected that Marie and the others would be crushed when the enemy simply moved.
–Now that we’ve realized this, think of what you can do now, Marie.
The enemy was at the center of the Multigrid Tokyo, and shoved a knife into the throat.
Grid Akihabara was magnetized, and the bypass they worked so hard to set up could not be used.
And just as they had planned, the Cabinet was caught in an awkward situation.
As for what they should do later, Naoto and the others did not understand.
However, the government would certainly head down the path of self-destruction. To make matters worse, as long as news of that weapon reached the other countries, it would result in the worst possible situation of of the ISS interfering to discuss military intervention due to security reasons.
And if they decided to fire the God’s Staff, ‘Tall Wand’–the anti-Earth satellite cannon, Tokyo itself would vanish from this planet.
No, even if they did not do anything, it was only a matter of time.

She thought of the best case and worst case scenarios that could occur.
The best would be–their plan succeeded, and they usurped the power of this country.
For them, so well-versed in electromagnetism, perhaps Akihabara could be demagnetised and be the same as before. The price however would be that the entire world would view this country as dangerous, and a subduing war would be a moment’s away.
The worst case scenario–would be the military intervention of the other countries in Tokyo.
It was likely that they would deal with this situation in the fastest manner possible. However, that would imply the destruction of Tokyo, and affect the region around East Asia, resulting in a global scale world.

Though I’m guessing that this theory is rather out there–Marie mocked herself.
…If the situation is going to end up like this, what can we do right now?
But more importantly, they lost two fighting forces in RyuZU and Halter, while AnchoR remained in an unusual state of being unable to battle.
No, even if all members were gathered, what could they do?
The government was on the brink of self-destruction, and the massive weapon was already a threat to the global situation. Surely it would be deemed as a threat by the major powers in the world, no?
In such a situation, what could a few self-proclaimed terrorists–do?
There was only one answer…nothing, at all.

The moment Marie got this conclusion.
Naoto suddenly stood up with an extremely grim look, saying,
“Hey, Anchor, let’s go out.”
“…Go out?”
The young girl automata tilted her little head in confusion.
“Yeah, AnchoR, you weren’t able to do anything over the 1000 years because of that shitty limiter, isn’t it? Let’s check out all kinds of things.”
AnchoR’s smile widened as she grabbed Naoto’s outstretched hand.
Marie’s narrowed her eyes, speechless as she watched them.
“Is your heart and nerves made of some super alloy or something? Do you still have the luxury to go out shopping when you’re a wanted terrorist?”
She noted sarcastically, but once she met Naoto in the eyes, she felt suffocated.
It was not a manner of speech, for her heart was certainly griped.
Naoto’s eyes remained undaunted, having discarded her who had determined that ‘nothing could be done’.
“It’s obvious.”
And with a will able to reignite the hope in Marie, who had all but given up, Naoto noted adamantly,

“Let’s do what we can do”–and so,

AnchoR tugged at Naoto’s sleeves.
She fidgeted as though she was fawning, saying,
“…I want, an order.”
“Right right, anything will do~! What exactly~?”
Naoto nodded, giving a leery smile without any hesitation,
AnchoR continued to beam as she pointed at the convenience stores just two stores away.
“…Can I, have a look…at that shop?”
“Any shop will do! I’ll buy you the entire shop no matter what it is, as long as you want it!”
“Hey, Naoto.”
Marie looked completely exhausted to sigh, and seeing this, she asked with a weary look.
“Mind telling me what are you doing right now?”
“Doing what I have to do now!”
Naoto’s grey eyes were glittering as he said,
“AnchoR has a lot of things she wants to do, but can’t do, so NOW I’m gonna fulfill them with my hands–! What else other than that?”
Marie did not answer.
All she showed was a hollow, dry smile, looking up at the sky as the sun blared upon them.
“…The weather’s fine. Speaking of which, I remember there’s an ice cream shop. How about we go check it out before Tokyo sinks…”
She muttered to herself in devastation, clearly feeling as though she had seen through everything.
They were in the shopping street of Grid Ueno–the Grid above the Grid Akihabara they escaped from.
The arcade signboard had the old words ‘Ameya Alley’ written on it.
One would feel that what happened the previous night was just a nightmare, as this place was bustling.
It was an ordinary day, but there were people passing through.
The streets were filled with shops boasting items that were filling out from their stands, and they were coupled with the calls from the stalls lined side by side–one would have a strange melancholy to such a scene…but it was to be expected of them.
–For there was a verbal blackout
They did not know anything about the massive weapon that appeared on this particular morning.
The collaborator who infiltrated the government did contact them, but even without his report, it was obvious that the government would come up with such a method.
On a certain day, there suddenly appeared an electromagnetic weapon that broke the International Treaty. Its aim was a coup d’etat, and it currently occupied Akihabara, Tokyo was on the brink of destruction–and so on,
There was no way such a thing could be explicitly mentioned.
The government–or rather, all those pessimistic about this situation, would probably make use of all their authority to control the reports.
–An expected action.
The situation was so dire, and the government doing anything troublesome would bring about a terrible outcome.
It was what as Naoto thought, what Vermouth had said, that the weapon was simply there so that the government knew ‘it was there’, delivering a fatal bomb to it.
Never mind the civilians knowing–what was worse would be that the foreign countries affiliated to
the ISS knew.
It’s really ironic, Marie thought.
The one silver lining in this series of unfortunate events for the government–was that the electromagnetic pulse unleashed by that weapon nullified all equipment that could prove its existence.
And furthermore, thanks to the terrorism forewarning from Marie and Naoto in the middle of the night, the residents of Akihabara had evacuated. It was possible to divert the attention of the people.
Upon lifting their heads, they could see the cable TV airing reports of the ‘Akihabara Terrorist Incident’ that happened the prior night.

“Due to the prior announcement of a terrorist act to freeze Akihabara, Grid Akihabara is currently being sealed. The government has called for people to be safe and avoid approaching and entering the danger zone. Also, the identity of the terrorist group that preluded the crime has been confirmed, and the government is currently looking at clues to find out where they are. With this regards to this matter, Chief Cabinet Secretary Ohatake–”

–So it went. Of course, Marie’s whereabouts were not revealed.
Even at this point, it appeared the government had no intention to admitting that thing’s existence.
Just like a bunch of fools Marie mocked.
If that weapon was to finish recharging and begin action, the news would surely spread, let alone a mere information censor. Once any greedy broadcasting studio hoping for a scoop fly in with a helicopter, it would be over.
However, if what Naoto and Vermouth said was correct, it appeared the enemy was hoping for the situation to turn out like this. The more the government tried to conceal the news of a massive weapon of destruction, once the news was leaked, the public and the other countries would feel outraged at the government–and the effect caused would be beyond that of the weapon.
As for what the government would do later on, it would be to protect themselves–
Marie snorted, and through her sunglasses, looked up at the sky.
She watched the helicopter fly above her, and curled her lips.
She dared say that the people seated in there were the government officials who were preparing to escape.
“They’re escaping as victims here…I guess it’s a matter of time until the neighboring countries know of it.”
–In other words, this lively, peaceful daily life was to come to an end in a few hours.”
Surely, what would happen later was…
“…Pa–mama, I want an order.”
“Okie~dokie! Pa…no, mama will agree to anything here~”
Marie weakly lowered her shoulders.
…Seriously, what am I doing?
AnchoR called out mama, but it was not for Marie. No, Marie did not agree to this title, so that meant,
She was referring to that stupid looking Naoto, who was looking so tense in front of the Automata.
Or in other words–Naoto in ‘female clothing’.

They were going onto the streets, so there was a need for him to disguise himself.
Saying that itself was not anything much, but the process itself was a nightmare.
Conrad left Halter at the unlicensed doctor, and returned, introducing a theater person who was in charge of make-up. That person was a complete pervert.
This flashy woman, a literal anthropomorphism of the term ‘night sister’, immediately squealed the moment she entered the room and saw Naoto and Marie,
“Kyaa~! How amazing! Professor Conrad, can I really dress these kids so cutely!? I’m going all out here, you know!?”
“Yes, please go ahead.”
“Ufufu~♪ It has been a while since I dressed up a human! Time to get my arms moving♥”
–And in an instant, what happened was a nightmare that was hard to describe.
In fact, Naoto was looking a little uneasy at first, but…
He watched himself get stripped, had makeup dossed on him, a wig on, girls clothing, and she stood in front of the mirror.
“Uh…huh? Man, I guess, I——–might actually be cute♥”
–He was infected by pervertedness.
Marie was engulfed in despair, and beside her, AnchoR’s eyes were dazzling.
“…Pa, pa, so cute…”
And with such a praise, Naoto awoke at that instant.
“I see–I see! Papa is cute after all~! If AnchoR says that, that means it’s God saying that that I’m cute?”
Naoto squealed as he embraced AnchoR, swirling around as he pranced and exited the theater.
Certainly he was an amazing pervert, one to be envied. In this situation, Marie hoped to be a butterfly that could forget everything and fly about without a care in the world.
“Now then♪ It’s your turn now–”
“Thanks but no thanks–!!”
Marie yelled, denying the poisonous fangs of the pervert with all her might.
If she was to leave it all to this woman, one had to wonder how she would turn out like.
She did a quick change of hairstyle, nabbed some suitable sunglasses and clothes, and finally escaped from this place with much difficulty, such that it could be said to be miraculous…

Marie shook her head to rid herself of the unpleasant memories, muttering,
“This bomb now is going to blow, and it’s going to end up becoming an East Asian–no, an international crisis. What is he doing now, seriously…”
One had to wonder if Naoto heard Marie’s grumble, as he chided her,
“We got no choice here. Nobody will go crazy over anything they don’t know. I did think of this back when I was in Kyoto, so I guess that’s how it is for being normal, right?”
“I’m talking about you–you big pervert!”
While this crossdressing Naoto boldly declared that he understood, Marie impatiently lashed out,
“You do know what’s going on now, right? Be a little tense now! And also…!”
Having noticed that the crowd’s stares were increasingly gathered upon their commotion, Marie hurriedly hushed her voice.
Yet her rage could not be suppressed, as with a grim face, she glared at Naoto,
“Just think a little. Or do you actually have a crossdressing fetish!? You’re almost a lost cause already!”
Do what I had to do. Naoto declared.
This boy once indicated that if there was a need, he was prepared to sacrifice himself.
Ahh, at this point, Marie might just admit it. His decisiveness, lack of hesitation, activity, and determination were qualities she was still lacking. For an instant, she was the one who was moved.
However, was this all to that pervert’s activity and pervert’s judgment, to be unscrupulous, risking his identity being discovered, all to do such a thing.
A leisurely date with a young girl automata?
–If there were not so many onlookers, Marie really wanted to mount on him and beat him down.
“Pap–mama…I…want that. Is that okay?”
“Wow, such a cute automata! You have fine tastes, AnchoR~♪ If you want anything, I’ll buy it!”
But that pervert completely ignored her impulse to beat him out as he continued his date with automata. To be honest, even at this point, she wanted to drag him into an alley and smash him to death.
Suddenly, Marie had an idea, and deliberately said,
“Erm…Naoto~. While you’re being really gracious, I do remember that it was RyuZU who got all that money, right?”
Upon hearing those words, Naoto blankly tilted his head.
“So what?”
“Didn’t you say that RyuZU’s your girlfriend? Is it reasonable to use the money earned by your girlfriend on another girlfriend?”
Marie’s eyes were filled with the desire for schadenfreude.
Naoto however looked at her as though she was an idiot.
“You’re stupid. RyuZU’s my wife, and AnchoR’s my daughter. What’s wrong for a parent to spend on his kid?”
“…I understand. Well, whatever you want.”
“Well, I’ll do that without you telling me.
Marie wondered–Seriously, what am I doing now?
First, this shitty situation–She really felt uncomfortable at being unable to do anything.
And furthermore, she could not bring herself to enjoy such an date with a pervert under this amicable atmosphere.
Furthermore, this incorrigible pervert–
“Yo, mama! We’re leaving you behind!”
The crossdressing pervert hollered as he waved his hand–in any case, she was completely disgusted by his entire appearance.
She grudgingly answered, and suddenly noticed the side.
The boutique shop window reflected her disguised appearance.
The faint blond hair was tied in a ponytail, and she was a thin foreign girl, dressed in a translucent camisole.
Her unique emerald eyes were covered by dark colored sunglasses, unable to be seen by anyone.
And the pervert walking in front of her–the one suddenly saying this, was a pretty girl who could be mistaken for a cover model for a teenage girl oriented magazine.
‘She’ was dressed in blue a one-piece dress, a summer coat, and a haori, the feet wearing soft boots. ‘She’ had a babyface, but it was pretty, and being a NEET, her skin was ‘pale’. With a wig and a hood with cat ears on it, there was no way to view ‘her’ as anything other as a girl…but.
This innocent girl was holding hands with a little girl more innocent than the former, probably an automata, as they walked alongside each other happily.
…Nobody would think of them as terrorists.
They merely continued forward, getting involved with the crowd, gathering the surrounding attentions on them. The stares appeared as though they were looking at something adorable.
–Argh, I just want to murder them now.♥
This foreign girl with dazzling blond hair and trendy outfit furiously gave chase, not noticing that she too was garnering some attention herself too.

The TV on the streets broadcasted the aftermath of the Akihabara Terrorist Incident.

“This boy is Naoto Miura, disguised as a student in Grid Kyoto, suspected of illegally dealing military parts and trading illegally modified Automata. Experts have stated that he is involved with the International Terrorist Organization ‘Adventurer’. The suspect studied at the Tadasu no Mori High School, but the residence information might have been fabricated, and the police and military hopes for any civilian to provide relevant information–“

Shown on the screen was a photo of Naoto before his crossdressing.
Perhaps it was a photo taken from the helicopter, for Halter’s face was taken as well.
And right opposite that street screen, at an open-air table of a certain famous hamburger chain, particular teenage criminal–Naoto was grinning away.
“Ehh–I’m in trouble, in trouble. Anyway, isn’t that kinda like the description of a manga protagonist?”
He slurped the vanilla shake, laughing as his shoulders shivered.
Seated opposite him was Marie, her mouth stuffed with apple pie as she sarcastically answered.
“Nobody will believe that anyone who organized such a grand scale terrorist activity is ‘just a high school boy’. They got to fudge it a little to make it believable at least, you know?”
“But even so, that’s too much already. Anyway, what is that ‘Adventurer’?”
“If I remember, it’s a terrorist cell prominent in Europe. The leader is an idiot who calls himself the name of Cagliostro…but in fact, it’s just a little group centered on international scams.”
“Oh.” Naoto answered with no interest, and curled his lips.
“And anyway, aren’t you supposed to be the one on TV instead? If I think about it–‘Making up an identity, attend school, be a backalley technician involved in terrorist activities’, there’s someone with such a character setting here.”
“Don’t point at me with the straw like that, you pervert!”
Marie pouted unhappily as she drank her chocolate shake.

“The man beside him is Vainney Halter, age unknown. He is a cyborg mercenary, and had a history of being involved in numerous international skirmishes, known as a professional terrorist–“

The report continued, and Marie widened her eyes.
“Eh? That one’s real though.”
“Eh? Uncle Halter is like that too? Well, I guess it’s true that he’s the bodyguard of a bomb like Marie.”
“Who’s a bomb here–but it does look like he’s famous, actually? That guy with only the head left seems to know.”

“–Also, the whereabouts of two female students who were acquainted with the suspect Naoto remains unknown, and their status is currently in the air.”
Appearing next on the screen was a blond girl, and a silver haired girl–Marie and RyuZU’s photos. Looking at how they were dressed in uniform, the photos were probably obtained from their student yearbooks.
And upon hearing that their status was ‘in the air’, Naoto gave a gaudy face.
“…The mastermind is a victim, while uncle Halter and I are now international criminals…this world is really unreasonable. Well, whatever.”
“Because our daily routines are different?”
“I don’t understand.”
Naoto frowned, and then, he asked, seemingly having thought of something.
“Anyway, you alright? Someone supposedly dead just had her photo up there, you know?”
“It’s fine. The dead ‘Marie’ definitely won’t be suspected.”
Was it through the power of the Breguets? –Naoto wanted to ask, but Marie noted,
“I can guess what you’re thinking, but nope, the Breguets have abandoned me, so I can’t use that amount of power now, you know?”
She narrowed her eyes, continuing,
“I just–used my older sister’s disguise–so it’s definitely ‘impossible’ to catch me–except for my big sister.”
–Then, Marie thought.
Now that I’m exposed now, I’d rather be caught by the police or the ‘military’ here.

Marie tossed the emptied paper cup and packaging into the trash bin, and sighed.
She returned to Naoto and AnchoR who were waiting for her, and a question lingering in the corner of her mind appeared again.
–Now then, what will be the outcome this time..?
Amazingly—no, though it was really displeasing, as they had taken the initiative, there was no deaths amongst the civilians.
Without that announcement for a potential terrorist activity, one would have to wonder how many incidents would occur when the initial ‘main cannon’ and electromagnetic pulse caused the machines to malfunction, how many thousands of people would die.
In this sense, their actions were not completely meaningless.
That was the one thing she could proudly conclude–however…
In the end, she ended up causing more harm than help, helping the government conceal the news, and even accelerated the plans of the Shiga ‘military’.
Such a fact was really–
“Mama…I want an order.”
“–Oh, eh? What?”
Marie’s thoughts were interrupted, and she lifted her head.
For some reason, AnchoR was fidgeting uncomfortably as she looked up at Marie.
“Mama…’you’re crying’…I want you to order me to help.”
–Crying? Me?
Marie inadvertently touched her eyes and cheeks…but she was not crying.
–Perhaps, even if they were made by ‘Y’s hands, an automata was still an automata after all, no? Perhaps they could not fully comprehend a human’s emotional.
This caused Marie to instinctively feel relieved…relieved?
Before Marie could deal with her skepticism.
“…Mama, you’re crying…asking for someone to help…that’s why, I want an order.”
This time, Marie was taken aback.
And then, something unknown, akin to disgust, was unable to escape, for it could not vent out.
AnchoR was such an automata–this fact remained undeniable.
Marie could understand the feeling of doting an automata, and did think that the automata was cute.cue.
But this was a matter entirely. Her mentality as a clockwork technician–could not simply view AnchoR as a simple machine.
Automata were not humans, just like how Marie was not an automata.
In that case, would it be strange to hope for an automata to behave like an automata–no, that would be common sense.
So, this disgust was created because the hidden feelings within her were yet to be revealed.
“…Can AnchoR help?”
No. It was weird. Impossible.
Marie had never seen an automata with such a reaction.
It was strange to view this gloomy automata in front of her as a machine.
“…Erm…then, AnchoR–can you ‘destroy” that?”
–I shouldn’t think too much.
Marie heard a braking somewhere inside her heart as she raised an order the automata requested.
AnchoR again confirmed,
“…Can that help you out, mama/”
“Ye-yeah, once that thing breaks down, things will be changed.”
Right–since AnchoR was willing to help, that would be for the best.
The situation would improve if they were to destroy that massive weapon. At the very least, those people would be unable to get away with what they wanted.
And then–Marie pondered. We’re the ones who announced a terrorist act beforehand.
If they were to settle this as a simple terrorist attack and be suppressed by the government–going by this script, the situation would be a little more tenurable.
But because of this thinking, AnchoR–gave an innocent smile that caused Marie to be completely speechless.
“Then, papa will help you, mama…so don’t cry, mama, okay?”
–What is she saying?
She heard those word she could not understand, and could not help but look for Naoto–
“…Wha–hey, Nao–wh-what happened you you?”
She refrained from screaming that name as she sprinted off.
Right in front of her was a pale looking Naoto, sprawled on the ground, panting furious.
“…Ah–Marie. Don’t mind, see if you can, get some headache meds…or some anesthetic that won’t knock me out?”
Naoto was sweating profusely as Marie dashed towards him.
At this moment, Marie–finally realized it.

“Wai…t a second…what happened to your earphones?”
“–What are you saying, marie? Of course it broke in Akihabara.”
Well, of course. He did toss it aside before her, but that was not what she was saying–
“If you have time to spend money on an automata, buy something for yourself! Seriously, are you an idiot!?”
–In fact, Marie did not know what was the world Naoto heard, how it appeared to him.
But even an ordinary person like Marie could hear with her ears the abnormal sounds from the Grid below them–Akihabara.
There was no way Naoto could not hear it.
No, it might be the same in Kyoto or Akihabara. Back then, Naoto was wearing the completely soundproof headphones when they had conversations, so with his headphones removed–would this world not be too loud? Furthermore, in this situation…
However, Naoto’s face remained contorted as he curled his lips, shaking his head.
“I don’t need it now…if I buy it, I don’t have the confidence that I won’t wear it?”
“Pull yourself together! This isn’t the time for stupid talk! Do you know how sick you look now? It’s like you’ll die at any moment now!”
“Ah–don’t say that now, Marie. You’re tempting me, and that’s–really something I can’t hold myself from.”
Marie felt skeptical at Naoto’s words, and then, she got her answer from his eyes.
The grey eyes, shivering in pain, were the most powerful answers.
–If he was to relax, he would think of impaling a screwdriver into his head for release–that was what those eyes were saying.
“Please…I’ll buy it as soon as I can without you saying, once I get ‘what I need’, that is. Anyway, just get me some painkillers, ‘kay?”
Marie was intimidated by those words, and inadvertently nodded, but–
“I-I know…but–what are you ‘looking for’?”
A drugstore–if I remember correctly, there should be one right around the corner.
Marie wondered as she looked around, and Naoto feebly, weakly–
But his eyes were a contrast to Marie’s–whose expression was described by AnchoR to be ‘on the verge of crying’–filled with an violent will
His reply caused Marie to widen her eyes.

“What else…find a ‘chance to win’! I wanna beat those guys who did such a thing to RyuZU–”

“…Papa, you’re ordering me to pat you?”
“Oh~ good good! Papa will be fine as long as you pat papa, AnchoR!”
Naoto ignored Marie’s protests, and devoured the painkillers–an entire box of them, playing around with AnchoR as he beamed.
Marie was a little concerned before this.
Naoto’s face was writhing all the time, only stopping whenever he interacted with AnchoR. Marie had assumed it was caused by the burn, but she had forgotten about something, and understood it.
He probably was in so much pain, he could not be bothered with his burn wound.
She lowered her head. She found herself to be laughable.
In other words, Naoto–had been doing what he said all this time.
All he did was to ‘do what he could do’.
Unlike her, who could only imagine and dither…

Naoto kept patting AnchoR on the head, lifting his head as he said to Marie,
“…Marie, just to be sure, Grid Akihabara is one of the parts that form the Multi Grid Tokyo, so we can’t destroy it all at one go, right?”
“Right. System-wise, it’s not impossible, but it’ll affect the entire capital.”
Clocktowers controlled the city functions of this grid–and a Core Tower controlled those clocktowers.
And the place where this Core Tower was situated, was the country’s Horological Core Tower.
Commonly known as the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’.
Unlike a core tower that reached deep into the underground, it was a huge pillar reaching high into the skies, as its name implied.
“It’s easy to think of Tokyo as a clock, for example.”
If the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’, placed in the center, was assumed as a pendulum core, the surrounding Grid cities could be viewed as balancers, balance wheels, levels, regulators, and all kinds of escapements.
These grid cities sap the power of the ‘Equator Spring’ coming from the underground, and distribute it to all the grids in Japan–in other words, it was a unified ‘Main Movement’.
“If Grid Akihabara is to collapse, the capital circle may collapse completely–that’ll involve the entire Japan, and in the worst case scenario, destroy the whole of East Asia. That’s how influential it is.”
In that case–Naoto chuckled.
“But on the other hand, even if Akihabara does stop, the ‘neighboring grids’ can still influence Akihabara, right? –Ah–papa’s recovered thanks to you, AnchoR!”
“…Really? You still look like you’re hurting, papa…”
“This pain isn’t much if it’s for the sake of my wife and daughter–now then, back to where we were, okay?”
Naoto then gave an invincible looking sneer, declaring,

“We’ll just heat up Grid Akihabara or burn it all, along with that weapon.”

Marie was speechless, unable to say anything.
The bypass used for their fake terrorist announcement was magnetized, unable to be used.
In fact, it was not as simple as what Naoto had said. While Akihabara was magnetized and unable to function, there was no way to control grid akihabara’s city functions–but–
“Even if one of the grids stop functioning, the neighboring grids will assist and maintain–right? If it’s able to maintain–it’ll also break off the maintaining function, right?”
–In other words, this boy was planning to fulfill what he declared.
–All he thought of was to throw that gang of people into the fire.
Having realized this, Marie asked, seemingly half dazed,
“…So you found something?”
“Not yet. I found a few bypasses, but it doesn’t look like Grid Ueno itself can provide much influence. It’s probably like you said, Marie, that the Multiple Grid is a string with numerous control functions linked together, helping each other..but–”
He stated adamantly,
“As long as I get…something definite–!”
He was giving a violent, twisted smile, due to his pain and anger, saying,
“I won’t put on these headphones, until I beat those shitheads up until their snot comes up.”
And then, he showed a change in attitude.
He gave a leisurely smile, a stark difference from before, let AnchoR piggyback on him, and stood up.
“And it’s important to look for what AnchoR wants! Got to make up for 1,000 years of absence, so how can I keep AnchoR waiting! Come on, AnchoR, where are we going to next! See some clothes? But your clothes now are cute too! Papa’s happy!”
But AnchoR, resting on Naoto’s back, whispered to Naoto, saying,
“But…papa, mama asked me if I can destroy that…”
Upon hearing that, Naoto immediately gave Marie a displeased look,
“Marie! You said such things!?”
“Y-yeah…it’ll be easier to destroy–”
That would be much faster than heating up the surrounding grids–
Right when Marie was about to continue on, Naoto cut her off,
“I object! I absolutely object! What are you treating AnchoR as, you landmine of a girl!?”
–What else? Marie wondered.
Her spirit as a technician insisted that AnchoR was an automata, an embodiment of violence that was unreasonable and irrational, a ‘weapon’ that should be used at such moments–
But before Marie could say this, Naoto continued,
“…Eh, assuming that AnchoR’s in perfect state, that trash down there that’s not even a B grade art form can be chopped up and left for the trash collectors to handle–maybe. AnchoR’s strong–but–”
“You don’t have to apologize, AnchoR! You don’t have to hear anything stupid from this landmine of a girl.”
Marie refuted without a second thought, and Naoto narrowed his eyes at her.
“I did say that AnchoR needs to recharge, right? For example, if AnchoR now is to switch to her output rate when she fought RyuZU, that’ll be 12, you know? A few seconds will–ah, but we’re talking about AnchoR’s perspective, you know? Anyway, she’ll end up at 1 in a few seconds–her current activation mode. Even for AnchoR, do you think she’ll be able to destroy that ginormous trash in such a short time?”
“AnchoR needs to recover until she can operate at maximum output for a while, gain some kinetic power from the ‘Perpetual Gear’ and store them, so let’s see…”
Naoto stopped, and pricked his ears.
“–About 160 hours, and by that, the enemy would have regained power…better forget about your selfish wish to rely on AnchoR–and! More importantly!”
Naoto gave a condescending look, saying,
“You let a young kid handle everything, and celebrate the ending–isn’t that too idealistic? Do you have any dignity at all? To be honest, I’m ashamed of you.”
Gak–Marie felt the blood in her boiling, and she trembled,
Humiliation, shame; neither of these words were enough to describe the feeling scorching her head.
However, AnchoR indicated hesitantly,
“…But papa…the ‘other method’–”
“Nope, that’s no different from nothing here. I refuse, absolutely, no way, I won’t allow this!!”
“…Uu, erm…”
With Naoto’s thorough objection, all AnchoR could do was to remain silent.
–What are those two saying?
Marie again felt distant, and got annoyed. This logic she did not know, this correct answer that was decided without her knowing–because of these factors, she felt an indescribable displeasure.
From Naoto’s head, AnchoR lowered her head to Marie.
Marie felt the shock from those words in her heart, and Naoto noted bluntly,
“Woah, Marie…you managed to disappoint a girl who has been disappointed for 1000 years. I see that you’re finally reached the state of a sadist now, aren’t you?”
“I-I’m not–I don’t have that intention–”
“…Sorry, mama.”
“I told you not to call me that–ahh, I wasn’t talking about that! Okay! I get it! It’s my fault, sorry! Don’t show that face now–!”
–Marie no longer knew what she was saying.
She lamented, but could not come up with any ideas.
And surely, how naive a thinking it was to so selfishly entrust everything for a little child to settle.
During this time, despite sweating so profusely–Naoto was gathering all the information he could hear with his ears, trying his best to break this deadlock.
On a closer though–ever since that electromagnetic pulse, this boy never stopped for a single moment.
So, Marie Bell Breguet,
What do you plan to do?
Marie gritted her teeth, almost gnashing it.
She was always like this, it was habitual. She really–hated herself.
How many times, hours, days, years do I have to spend hesitating before I learn…!
“Yes yes, wassup?”
“Sorry, I’ll be heading back first. Can I leave this guy to you, AnchoR?”
“…If it’s mama’s orders–”
“It’s not an order. It’s a ‘request’. This guy–I’ll leave Naoto to you. If the police or the ‘military’ finds you, shake them off with all your might and return to base.”
Marie did not realize.
At this moment, this instance, for the first time–she spoke to AnchoR, treating her as an ‘ally’, and not as an ‘automata’–AnchoR was the only one to realize.
“…Yes, a request? It’s more absolutely than an order.
AnchoR gave a blooming smile, and Marie nodded back.
Naoto did not ask where she was going.
And Marie did not inform Naoto of what she wanted to do.
Halter and Vermouth’s heads ceased functions due to the electromagnetic pulse, and at this point, they were finally running.
That was simply it.
All she could do was to go on without hesitation, to do ‘what she could do’–‘what she had to do’.

Marie turned her back and could not be seen, and only then did AnchoR say,
“Mama’s not crying anymore…you’re amazing, papa.”
“…That girl’s really amazing, AnchoR.”
Naoto showed a vague smile, stating cryptically.
“She’s a genius.”
“Yep, it means a really~amazing~ person.”
“…More amazing, than amazing?”
Upon seeing AnchoR cuddle the doll and widen her eyes, Naoto strode off, looking satiated.
“Right! Don’t say that I said it!”
His strides were faster, and soon, he was jogging.
“She’ll start brooding over ridiculous stuff–but she’ll show off her genius when it’s time for them. She’s different from someone like me.”
Naoto felt that geniuses have their own troubles.
But in any case, seeing someone amazing like her so frustrated over something unimportant, to put it politely, was still infuriating.
In any case, those that were so stupidly smart were really like idiots, no?
“Well, looks like she’s recovered, so let’s do what we can do! Okay, we’re going somewhere a little far now. Let’s run!”
AnchoR, piggybacking on Naoto’s back, started to think,
–Papa’s amazing, and he says that mama’s more amazing than amazing.
With these two, and sister around, everyone won’t die, everyone will be saved, and will smile.
Such a hope she was not permitted to have over these thousand years caused her to smile,
“…Papa, I want an order.”
“Uh, erm…let’s think, ah…yeah, there’s a little, sp-sports shop there…”
Saying that–
“D-do you mind…buying some water, and an oxygen canister?”
Naoto, devoid of any dignity as a father–
Collapsed onto the floor due to weakness, and could only watch AnchoR run off…

“–I’m sorry, Prime Minister…but what did you just say?”
The Defense Minister represented everyone else as he asked with a trembling voice.
The meaningless, ineffectual Diet Meeting lasted from the previous night till this point.
And having gathered up and dismissed the meetings over and over again, during this fifth meeting–the declaration from the Prime Minister–representative of the ruling party, caused every single member present to show shock and fear that could not be hidden.
However, in the face of such reactions, the Prime Minister looked displeased as he shook his head, saying,
“It is as I have said. I have dialled the ISS hotline to explain our situation, and then–”
He took a deep breath, stating firmly,

“I made an emergency request to use the ‘Tall Wand’ on Grid Akihabara.”

There was nary a commotion in the Diet.
All those present were unable to say anything, as silence engulfed the scene.
And right behind the Prime Minister who proudly lifted his head, the Chief Cabinet Secretary seemed to have swallowed a bitter pill as he tersely explained everyone else.
“The information censor is going to be at its limit, and it is only a matter of time until every country knows. Once they do, they will soon propose that we use the ‘Tall Wand’, but no matter which country proposed it, it’ll bring about dispute from the East Asian countries, and there’s a chance it’ll trigger a war.”
…They knew at.
Or at the very least, everyone except for the Prime Minister–everyone else probably realized this grim fact, regardless of their principles and philosophies.
It was the Committee’s objective to think of what to do, and at the same time, the reason why they had differing opinions and no conclusions to their debates, no–?
While everyone else remained speechless, “However”, the Chief Cabinet Secretary continued,
“If our country is to report this scandal and ask for assistance, the situation will differ. We have disclosed all our objectives clearly, to destroy the entire grid along with it. Right now, the ‘military’ stationed in the neighboring countries and the ‘Meister Guild’ are rushing here as fast as possible. In order to minimize the damage caused by the destruction of Grid Akihabara, and also avoid a war with the neighboring countries, this is the best decision–the Prime Minister’s decision”

The Chief Cabinet Secretary concluded.
And that implied tone of terror added at the end seemed to indicate his true thoughts on this matter.
Having heard the explanation of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, all those present had the same thought.
That probably was a miraculous instance of all attendees having a common agreement.
And that was–‘what the hell are you talking about’.
If that was a joke, it was a bad one–but if that was not a joke, that would be worse.
The Defense Minister was the first to recover from the chaos, and growled in rapid fire fashion,
“–Prime Minister! Are you still sane? I have countless objections to it, but–it’s tame to call your arbitrary actions as overstepping your authority!”
But the Prime Minister–
“–This is a dire situation.”
Nonchalantly commented in the face of such lashings.
And then, he continued on confidently to the crowd that remained speechless,

“As the Prime Minister, I declare this country to be in a state of emergency! Everyone, the country is now is a crisis of survival. We have no time to wait for the ‘Yatsukahagi’ to start moving again!”

(He’s pulling off this move now…! That damned bastard…!)
And while the room was filled with growls and buzz, Karasawa was in a corner of the room, shivering due to a chill up his spine.
–We have one hell of a stupid bastard here.
He was not referring to the Prime Minister; the latter was merely a fool not worth mentioning.
Karasawa was confident that there was one huge stupid bastard manipulating that imbecile from behind the scenes.
It would be fine if the imbecile was dolled up to look smart, but that bastard hypnotized the imbecile into thinking he was smart.
Basically, that was it,

–Even if he is to watch the situation unfold, you might be forced to gorge yourself in the end. In that case, you are to declare to the people and the other countries ‘I’m an honest Prime Minister’, and once the crisis is over, you’ll push all the blame to the rulers of the prior era who ruled for a long time, and you can escape responsibility–

That bastard probably conceived such a lie to fool the imbecile.
And to be honest, did they really think the ‘Tall Wand’ was something to be used that easily? That it could be deployed like a pizza delivery ‘understood, we’ll deliver it to you in 30 minutes’?

–That was a weapon of mass destruction, the strongest anti-Earth weapon based on the theories of the old era.
It was a metallic rod dropping down from the observation platform of satellite orbit, and had a simple design.
There was no record of any actual use–but it was said the destructive power could easily crush a city.
There was a need to go through the ISS voting to use it, and at the minimum, three quarters of the members had to agree.
However, there were 7 current member countries–and it would be difficult to execute.
One would be skeptical as to whether that imbecile even knew what kind of weapon the ‘Tall Wand’ was, and it was impossible to have a miraculous diplomacy to allow the firing in such a short time.
In that case–right,
(This was a script planned long ago…!)
“–Yes! This is a state of emergency…! Prime Minister, the country will be destroyed if authority is left to an incompetent fool like you!”
The Defense Minister’s veins were throbbing as he roared.
And the Prime Minister, so humiliated by that, invariably yelled back with furor,
“Know your place, young Tokita! Who do you think I–”
“Quiet! I’ve no intention to talk things out with a traitor. As the Defense Minister, I’m stripping you of all ruling power in this time of domestic crisis!”
The Defense Minister hollered with burning rage, and declared,
“From now on, us ‘military’ will seize temporary control! At the same time, we shall sue you for inciting internal conflict and colluding with outside parties!”
“Wh-what are you saying–!”
The Prime Minister–now the ex, yelled in shock.
And instead, the Defense Minister laid out a thick stack of papers, bellowing,
‘You! You knew that weapon existed, and yet you remained silent! You wanted to use that weapon to consolidate your political base, and the proof is here! You saw that the plan failed, and immediately contacted the other countries to avoid authority, your intent causing great harm to our country! This is a traitorous act!”
“Wh-What nonsense are you spouting! What are you insinuating now?”
“Behold! I have obtained proof–show it to him!”
The moment the Defense Minister shouted this, the large screen on the wall began to broadcast a visual.

–The image shown was in a certain dark room.
And in the middle of it, an old man wearing an old military uniform was seated there.
That old man, whose expression could not be seen, calmly noted,
“My apologies, Mr Prime Minister–but I do say that you are underestimating us, using us as your stalking horse. Since you have degraded us as revolutionists, we shall use your blood as the price. We will repel your government with hatred and malice.”

This brief visual ended, and the meeting room was filled with hatred and vengeful noises.
Amongst them, the Defense Minister gleefully noted,
“–Ex Prime Minister, this is what Security has found in your terminal, ‘A Crime Announcement’. You think of yourself as an honest Prime Minister even after hiding such a thing? How ridiculous!”
“No–this has nothing to do with me! I don’t know!”
“Shut up! If you want to argue, we’ll let you explain in the investigation room–take him away!”
Two military officers appeared behind the Defense Minister, and flanked the ex-Prime Minister, grabbing him, and whisking him away from the meeting.
But in the meantime, an official blocked their way.
“Pardon me, Defense Minister! I do want to ask you about something! It is about the fact that the ‘military’ had received orders to prepare for battle 2 weeks back! Apparently, there was a blind spot in the capital defense assignments, and I suppose that is the cause for the announcement to Akihabara terrorist incident, you know? No, is there anyone else other than the Tokyo ‘military’ technicians who has the expertise and knowledge to activate such an announcement?”
“Wh-what are you implying now?”
“I see that this is just you directing your way to usurping power!”
“What nonsense are you saying! Even if you are humiliating me, there has to be a limit to that!!”
“So then, please answer my question–!”
…The meeting was in complete chaos, beyond any hope of salvaging.
Before anyone realized it, even the Prime Minister, who was to be taken away, was amongst them, and the whole group was kicking up a fuss. No matter how they insisted, it was a rehash of their own views.

(There’s no doubt about it now. Someone’s definitely pulling the strings from behind…!)
Karasawa groaned at a place slightly away from the buzzing meeting room.
This entire incident was pulled off way too flawlessly.
This coup d’etat, the Prime Minister’s arbitrary actions, the reveal and chaos, they were all too perfect.
It was no longer just a question of the Cabinet collapsing anymore. The factions in the country would break apart, including the ‘military’, and it was a matter of time until there was internal conflict.
(Is that the correspondence of the old Shiga ‘military’ Professor Marie mentioned…? No–)
Amongst this entire sequence of incidents, the Akihabara terrorist incident was probably the only thing not in the mastermind’s plans.
Karasawa too heard of this unprecedented, skeptical miracle from Marie.
But at this point, even that miracle was used ‘as one of the scenarios’.
(This monster’s able to capitalize on the ‘magic’ Professor Marie and the others used–)
Was that really the old Shiga ‘military’?
…Something seemed to be amiss.
Karasawa had a look at the chaotic meeting for a while–and then, he begrudging affirmed something.
–Looks like I’m the only one able to think normally now.
Was it due to them losing their composure due to the dire situation? Or was it their real selves as representatives elected by the people.
As a citizen, Karasawa hoped that it was the form, and he decided,
It appeared he had to do his own investigations…though it was really perilous.
(Guess I got no choice as an advisor–no, this obviously isn’t part of my job.)
Karasawa shook his head, grimacing.
At the same time, his sharp eyes noticed someone.
There was a suspicious man who was far from the crowd like Karasawa was, about to slip from the meeting.
(Alright, time to show me your true colors…!)
Karasawa curled his lips into a little smirk, and with bated breath, tailed the man…

Even as the sun sun, Tokyo remained awake.
The underground streets remained empty in the door, and filled with energising human voices and neon gear lights.
Naoto and AnchoR edged through the crowd, returning to base.
Vermouth, still hanging on the hanger, greeted them cheerily,
“Yo brat–eh, now that’s strange? What’s with that cute getup of yours? How’s it like below your skirt now? Show me. I’m worried you might get ogled by a few old man with ill intentions.”
“Like you, uncle?”
“I’m not willing, but I’m an older sister now–how about it, brat?”
Vermouth cackled, and tilted his head skeptically.
Ever since Naoto entered the room, he had been eyeing the work desk in the workshop.
Looking over, he saw the back of Marie, repairing RyuZU, who was heavily damaged.
“…How long has it been since Marie started work?”
It had been 7 hours since Naoto and AnchoR broke away from Marie.
And during this time, Naoto and AnchoR went through Grid Ueno, and then Grid Sakuradamon–but there was no way RyuZU could have been cooled down by the time Marie returned.
“Yeah.” Vermouth nodded, and answered with a wry smile.
“I know what you’re thinking–4 hours. She’s been like that for the past 4 hours.”
“Of course, she wasn’t slacking before then. She first cut off the spare parts to prepare first, and waited until the body cooled–so she’s been like that.”
While Naoto and Vermouth had their conversation, Marie never turned her head around.
It was likely–no, surely, she did not realize that Naoto and AnchoR had returned.
“It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Is this the ability of a human of flesh and blood?”
–Ridiculous, yes, it was.
That was something Naoto once heard–the enigmatic scene he saw in the Core Tower of tower.
What could be considered a miraculous art, the apex of all arts in the world.

–The air seemed to be ruffling.
The rules of the world appeared to be contorted, centered on the petite blond girl.
The screws, cylinders, wires, springs, gears–all the clockwork parts–
Were dancing at godspeed as though gravity was thrown out of the window, returning back with the precision of a time rewinding.
The tuned materials, honed nerves, adjusted unit.
All of it was–so beautiful. Naoto could have cried accidentally given how beautiful it was.
The girl’s breathing, blood flow, and even the friction of her bones and muscles formed a god-like symphony in unison.
Is this really a living human–Naoto was skeptical.
This is a human music box capable to creating with supreme skills, right?–
While Naoto was faced with this otherworldly work that made him wonder, AnchoR suddenly asked,
“Papa–is this…a ‘genius’?”
“–Ah, yeah, that’s right…damn it.”
Naoto nodded as he answered AnchoR’s question, gritting his teeth regrettably.
He merely felt moved back then, found it so pretty he was envious.
The techniques, describable as violent–were ‘talents’ that could practically change the world.
However, he was not simply mesmerized; he was envious, and yearning.
It would not have mattered if it was another Automata or the Core Tower. But…
That person, the one repairing RyuZU, why, isn’t it me–

The melody was suddenly distorted.
“–phwah! I’m out of sugar! Chocolate, chocolate–ah, found it…phew…uu…? Oh, Naoto. You’re back?”
Marie thought of breathing normally, rolled on the floor, and laid down.
She took out a bar of chocolate, and began to chew on it, lifting her head once she sensed Naoto’s presence.
And Naoto, who did not seem to be in the best of conditions, nodded lightly.
“Yeah…I’m back–”
“…Mama, I’m back.”
“Yup, welcome back–did you find ‘what you want’?”
Marie asked, having realized that Naoto’s black hair had some headphones on.
Naoto nodded, and then, looked a little skeptical, asking,
“Yeah…anyway, can I ask something first, Marie?”
“What? Ah, I can hear you out as I work, you know?”
“Yeah. Please do that.”
Marie nodded, and returned to the desk. She was not as focused as she was before–but she was repairing at a superhuman rate, asking,
“So, your question is?”
“…Marie, how are you fixing RyuZU? The spare parts RyuZU can use can’t be bought on the market, right?”
Marie did not stop in any manner as she answered Naoto’s question,
“I can handle everything except for that illogical ‘Imaginary Gear’. You know, RyuZU was kept under the custody of my old family–the Breguets. I wanted to get her to move before, so I removed and reassembled her so many times–even without a blueprint, I do remember the positions of the nanogears.”
Naoto remained silent, and Marie turned her eyes to the surrounding floor.
If one was to follow her stare, he would find dissected automata corpses lying everywhere.
“Luckily there’s a whole lot of them–these high quality automata that were used for shitty means…let’s see, how many did I break up?”
Marie answered, and Vermouth answered,
“27 of them.”
“Ah, yeah. I broke up 27 units to get their parts, and at the very least, I got all the necessary parts needed.”
“Missy, be a little discreet. That old man called Conrad is now a crying wreck, and he’s giving that end of the world look, you know?”
“I don’t care what that evil being is thinking.”
Marie muttered with a serious face, and seemed to have thought of something as she turned to Naoto.
She pointed the screwdriver bit at Naoto, saying,
“I’ll be blunt–I don’t have those convenient ears of yours. All I can do is basically some emergency repairs using the equipment here. You’ll have to do the final adjustments here.”
Though it sounded like a dig, Naoto gently nodded, and turned her eyes aside.
Marie was a little skeptical at the response, and continued working..
“Ah, what about uncle Halter?”
“–I can’t get his prosthetics, so he’ll have to wait.”
That’s a lie. Marie muttered.
No, it was a fact that she could not obtain prosthetics, but she did try connecting him to a voice installation.
–However, there was no response.
She was not certain of his status. In fact, even if the proper procedure was carried out, a head transplant bore a great risk, and furthermore, in that situation, it was not strange for there to be internal dama–
Marie shook her head, changing the topic.
“What about you? Can’t you help out now? I want 3 self-regulated resonance movements.
“–Sorry, I don’t know how to do that.”
“Then the circuit’s fine too. Help me–”
“I can’t do that either. I don’t understand what you’re doing now, Marie.”
Saying that, Naoto went to a corner of the room to sit.
And Marie impatiently lashed out at Naoto.
“Seriously…you should have studied how to form circuits in Middle School at least, right? Why don’t you understand that? Don’t you find it a waste to throw all that school fee into the gutter?”
And with Marie saying that, Naoto raised his tone unhappily,
“Hey, Marie, I don’t understand what you’re saying at all! Don’t underestimate a mechanical nerd! I read the textbooks until they’re all torn, and I don’t know how much of my money did I use to buy guide books–so many that I can’t remember!!”
“The problem is that you, don’t, remember–! Stop sounding so proud there!”
Marie invariably growled tersely, and clicked her tongue.
“Seriously! You have such convenient ears, so why don’t you know…”
If I have that kind of a supernatural sense–Marie wondered about this so many times.
If it was her, she would use that talent to the fullest, not wasting a single second.
But while Marie gave that begrudging glare, Naoto retorted,
“Why exactly? I find it strange too. No matter how many textbooks or guidebooks I buy to read–I can’t understand them!”
“I’ll slap you if you brag about that so proudly! Ahh, I really mourn over that precious paper resource…”
Marie sighed, suffering a migraine, probably due to her blood gush.
She chomped on a piece of chocolate, and then–she suddenly had a doubt.
…Why not?
She was not faulting him. It was a simple question.
Anyone else aside, there was no way this guy didn’t work hard for it–
This idiot was such a fanatic of machines–so much that he really fell in love with a robot girl, and proposed to her.
It was understandable if it was just an ordinary topic. This guy was thoroughly uninterested in anything that did not interest him.
But machines–the subject of technical proficiency, he probably did attend class seriously.
Did he give up because he did not understand?
–How is that possible? I can’t imagine this guy ‘giving up’. Even him saying the words ‘I don’t know’ is strange in itself.
Marie was confident that she had such an understanding of the boy.
In that case, though he had such determination and grit, and such talent, why did he not understand–?
His learning capability was not bad in any sense. His limbs were not clumsy.
To be honest, even if he did have a thorough grasp of the internal construct, was he able to repair RyuZU with that alone–?
And while harboring such a doubt, Marie muttered,
“–Didn’t you repair RyuZU? How did you do it back then?”
Naoto curtly replied, and Marie blankly repeated that answer.
“…You searched your way through?”
“I don’t understand the theory and the textbook, so I tried everything from here and there, until the sound was nice.
–How preposterous.
Does this guy know how complex of an automata RyuZU is?
–He probably knew. Given his talent, he understands it better than me.
–I can’t think of anything. There has to be some really big misunderstanding this guy has…no.
In an instant, Marie felt some indescribable notion, something akin to a chill, scaling through her head.
–Maybe it’s you, who think you know, that has something really–
Marie stopped thinking. She felt that she could not think any further.
“…I really don’t understand this idiot at all.”
Marie spat those words to cut off her thoughts, and changed the topic.
“Are you done with your questions? What about that thing ‘you want to find’?”
Ahh, Naoto shook his head, saying,
“Marie, that really gigantic thing–is called the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’, right? That doesn’t belong to the military, right?”
“…? Yep. That’s for the Imperial Household Agency to handle.”
“Imperial Household Agency? That means…oh, I see.”
Naoto seemed to understand something as he nodded.
–And upon hearing those words, Vermouth seemed to realize something as he smirked, adding on,
“This country, japan, has an old tradition etched deeply into it, long before this planet was modified into the Clockwork Planet. Nobody can do anything to them. Brat, as a Japanese, I guess you understand now, right? That realm that neither politics nor culture can encroach on–the center of the City Grid, the Core Tower, is the place most suited for the ‘country’s foundation’ to be built on.”
Naoto narrowed his eyes, muttering,
“That doesn’t sound like it.”
“Of course! That thing is just how it looks on the surface!”
Vermouth guffawed, and Marie skeptically asked,
“…What do you mean?”
Marie again sensed a rational only she could not understand–and then, she was suddenly panting,
“–Naoto, what are you thinking of now?”
Her voice was quivering slightly as she asked.
However, the boy receiving the question merely remained nonchalant, so direct.
His grey eyes were giving off the glint against countless enemies, his lips showing a sneer of a child plotting a prank.
And then, his words, faced with Marie’s skepticism as to whether she misheard, Vermouth’s laughter, and AnchoR’s confusion–
He revealed what ‘he wanted to find’.

“Marie, let’s sum this up. We’re going to occupy the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’–the ‘Palace’.”

“–So that’s how it is. What do you think?”
He spent half a day thinking of ‘something he wanted to find’–a chance of winning.
Naoto described his means that were not even a ‘plan’ as he asked that.
“Ha–hahahaha! Hey brat–little Naoto! I was right about you! You’re really interesting! You can become an outstanding scumbug–no, wait, I think you are!”
“Papa…you’re amazing–!”
Vermouth was rolling over in laughter, and AnchoR’s eyes were glittering.
Only Marie was panting, looking stunned.
“–You’re… mad. Do you know what you just said, everything?”
“I know, very well in fact–Marie, think about it.”
Naoto raised a finger.
“Who were the ones who announced their move first, them or us?”
–Us. We declared that we’ll freeze Akihabara.
“So who are the ones who were assumed to be the culprit behind all this? Them, or us?”
–Us. That’s what the news reported.
Marie felt a chill, and gasped.
“Those guys labelled us as such, so let’s put on a show as they wish! The savage Naoto Miura who is suspected to be linked to some international terrorist group, and his happy friends are–”
Naoto gave a contorted sneer unbefitting of his baby face, saying,

“‘We did it all’–if we do this now, what happens?”

It was a brief, simple, obvious ‘malice’.
Anyone could push the blame–and a convenient ‘mastermind’ was completed.

“Those guys want to continue acting, so let’s dance along with it, make it as eye-catching, so much that a massive weapon pales in comparison! Coup d’etat? Conspiracy? Those don’t exist, and nobody needs to bear responsibility. This entire incident is just some evil passing terrorists coming in to create chaos❤
Just one move–just as those people held the government at checkmate with one move, so were those people ‘checkmated’.
Upon seeing Naoto’s chuckle, Marie gulped.
–In theory, it can work.
However, with that method, the significance of that, this guy is…
“We can just dump those guys into the pot. The pot is Akihabara, and the flint is the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’.
He said those words on the basis of understanding that.
From his eyes, Marie could clearly see his rational mind–and madness, and she finally understood.

–Naoto Miura would never get angry easily.
He might be scorned, humiliated, they were all nothing for him.
However–there was only one huge landmine Naoto Miura would never forgive.
And those people trampled on the landmine twice.
The first was to restrain AnchoR with the mask, and the second was to wreck RyuZU with the electromagnetic field.
Naoto woke up in Akihabara, and the reason for his extreme calmness was clear to understand.
This guy went berserk at that moment.
He was fuming, with an infinite amount of poise, aloofness, coldness.
Just like the burn. Marie thought.
As long as Naoto feels that he ‘needs to do something’, he ‘will do it’.
One could be unscrupulous to achieve his means; saying that in itself was one thing, but how many people really were mentally prepared to pay the full ‘price’.
–Naoto Miura is terrifying.
Marie decided to admit this feeling, and affirmed.
–Naoto Miura is strong.
Marie felt that it was some meaningless thought, but she could not help but think.
–If I’m to be an enemy against him, can I win?
As long as I use all my knowledge, skills, connections…anyway, everything I have.
Marie Bell Breguet’s specs were far beyond Naoto Miura.
That should be the case. But no matter what happened–she had no vision of her winning…

“Well, Missy. Just an earnest plea here. I won’t ask for a luxury like military parts, but at the very least, get me in some normal, moving body, okay?”
Marie remained speechless, and she turned around upon hearing the man’s earnest voice.
Right in front of her were–AnchoR with her eyes dazzling, and Vermouth, who seemed to have made up his mind.
AnchoR’s master was Naoto, so perhaps it was obvious that she would abide by Naoto’s wishes–but–
“Do you really want to go along with what Naoto said? No matter whether we succeed or fail, it’s Hell from now on, you know!?”
Yes, even if things were to develop according to Naoto’s plan, they would become ‘evil’–an unprecedented group of criminals.
This man probably had no motive or reason to assist in such a thing. He was an agent hired and paid by some enterprise, had no sense of justice, no conviction, and merely acted for money, an lawful person who was similar to a criminal. He was not trusted, and should not be trusted. He should be that kind of a person.
However, Vermouth never did avert his eyes, and answered with a serious look at Marie,
“I said that it’s interesting–does a man need a reason other than that.”
“You don’t understand? Well, whatever, but I’m serious here.Let me think, this…might be the second time I really wanted to do something.
Marie’s interest was suddenly pricked, and she asked Vermouth,
“…Just for reference, your first time was?”
“For some stupid dream.”
Vermouth immediately answered, giving a displeased sneer.
“I failed though. And then, I was cast away in my second life like a dead man, and thanks to that brat there–”
“–I was saved. I recalled right before I kicked the bucket–that I’m still alive.”
Vermouth did not begrudge the apologizing AnchoR, and turned to Naoto.
“And I don’t know how it happened, but when I woke up in my third life, I met this brat. I’m a madman who’ll beat up anyone I don’t like, you know? I’m ‘mesmerized’ with this guy here. How far he’ll go, what he’ll accomplish–I just want to have a good view in some special seat.”
Marie sighed.
She looked as though she could not understand those two at all as she stared at them.
AnchoR looked up at Marie, telling her,
“…Mama, are you scared? AnchoR…will protect you…”
“What are you scared of, Missy? Hurry to the backstage and put on some winning underwear there. Now’s the scene to shake your ass and begin the ‘counterattack’, you know?”
“What are you saying now, unc–no, big sister? This isn’t important; the main point is that this isn’t a counterattack.”
Upon hearing Vermouth’s taunt, Naoto corrected him, looked bewildered.
“Those guys are attacking the government, not us. Marie–”
While Marie continued to hesitate, Naoto showed a cheerful, innocent, childish smile, saying,
“You know, when you’re a kid…when you see those guys piling up a sand hill on the beach–don’t you have had the thought that it’ll be really fun to kick that hill down and run away?

–Marie suddenly recalled.
Back when she abandoned her identity as a Breguet and a Meister.
After stopping the forced purge on Kyoto, and declaring herself a terrorist.
“I won’t get any reward and thanks,”
Back then, on the roof, what did I say?
“But that’s definitely something–“

Marie sighed, giving a wry smile.
She reached her hair into her head, muttering,
“You guys–are really a bunch of hopeless people.”
“But it’s interesting, isn’t it?”
Naoto chuckled.
Marie felt her will being dragged along by that smile, that she was being teased, but for some strange reason, she did not feel displeased about it–and she nodded.
She understood.
–I’m an idiot too.

And so, right at this moment, this instance, and thereafter.
This childish prank of an unprecedented crime began.
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