Sunday, August 7, 2016

[Clockwork Planet V3] Chapter 4 – 07:35 – Progressor

An explosive light from the bottom from the city permeated through the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’, entering the sky.
Karasawa saw this scene from the roof of the ruling party’s headquarters, stroking his chin in shock.
“–Woah, I didn’t make it…”
He stole some records from the terminals of the ruling government party, and through the logs, he affirmed a certain fact.
And right when he was about to contact Marie and the others and report on this–this happened.
“This is bad…my commission as a consultant isn’t worth it now.”
I’m someone who won’t work without being paid–with a bitter expression, Karasawa held onto the terminal in his hand.
His back was leaning on the metal fence on the roof, and he exhaled hard.
–I should have realized it.
According to Professor Marie’s report, those guys illegally transported an Initial-Y unit’.
Those guys are researchers on electromagnetic technology, so why didn’t they use that technology on that thing? I should have realized it.
Also, this report–
“It’s too risky for me to handle this intel alone…”
“The Shiga ‘military’, the communication logs of the mole in the government–they were deliberately encrypted, but he spent an hour and so to decrypt it, which he had to laud himself for. However…
At this point, he might prefer not to know about it.
“No matter whether the coup d’etat succeeds or not, ‘the mastermind’ behind them have the same aim–to cause the ‘Capital Circle’ to collapse–now what do I do…”
Right when Karasawa was dripping in cold sweat and muttering to himself–
He wordlessly drew his back from the metal fence.
He was not taken aback.
He predicted that events would turn out this way the moment he obtained this intel.
He wanted to inform Marie before that happened–his benefactor, Professor Marie, however…
“They’re showing up immediately…seriously, for some bad guys, they’re so capable. It’s killing me.”
Karasawa said, and sighed.
He looked aside.
He saw a person–no, someone appear on the roof.
The opponent was in stealth mode, but it was possible to at least see it if one paid attention. There was something steam-like there.
–Optical camouflage.
“And at a size that can be for personal use…? Hey hey, I can conclude as a consultant that not even the ‘5 Enterprises’ managed to develop this successfully, you know?”
Karasawa’s eyes and lips showed a smile, tilting his head in confusion.
He then raised his voice heartily, saying,
“Is it okay if you tell me? –How much is your pay?”
The pile of steam did not answer.
I guess so, Karasawa gave a wry smile.
Those people were not the type to mess around and say ‘any last words’, ‘what have you obtained’, ‘say your prayers’.
If they were just as stated in the intel obtained, they would have known that Karasawa had no last words, knew what he obtained, and that he was an atheist.
In the face of this killing intent closing in, Karasawa slowly undid the button on his collar.
He moved his right foot back, and got into a fighting pose.
“Alright, let’s do each other’s work. Do you know that in this country? Not doing extra is not considered to be doing work.”
Viva laborers–Karasawa muttered sarcastically as he faced this enemy in front of him.
The enemy was probably a full cyborg with the latest equipment, and perhaps the one inside was a professional. On the other hand, he was merely a consultant, armed only with a handgun and some tools.
–How many seconds can he survive?
Sighing hard, Karasawa stepped up to challenge this overtime that was a matter of life and death.

–What happened?
Marie gave a blank stare at the scene in front of her, so stunned she was gasping for breathing.
–Everything vanished.
The sudden burst of light devoured everything, melting, vanquishing.
The Core Installation made of extremely sturdy materials was melted like Amezaiku.
The floor, walls and ceiling were punctured with a massive, round hole.
The light shot through the outer walls, melted the floor, vaporized the structure, and shot through to the outer wall on the other side.
The light created this hole, and at the same time, left behind an ugly melting scar.
Marie fell limp.
If she was a second later, she would have been vaporized by that light too.
With a trembling stare, she looked around, finding Houko beside her, the ‘Black Tortoise’ Halter was controlling at the wall, and Vermouth by the feet of that massive body.
Naoto, who was in the safety zone with RyuZU and AnchoR, remained unscathed.
The maintenance automata were no longer to be seen. They were already working in the epicenter, unable to escape.
–But at the very least, it doesn’t look like any human was caught in the blast.
Having understood this, a doubt appeared in Marie’s consciousness.
With a quivering voice, she raised her doubt,
“–Wh-what happened!?”
This yell echoed towards the empty, massive hole, gradually fading away.
Nobody answered–no,
“…We got bombarded.”
Naoto was the only one to answer her, with a mutter,
“What did you say?”
–I can’t understand? By whom? By what? For what reason?
Marie’s thoughts started to swirl erratically, and Naoto again affirmed–this time, with a loud voice.
“It’s that damn bigass thing ‘main cannon’ that blew a hole through Akihabara! We were hit! Do you here me!?”
She heard that, or at the very least, she could understand what Naoto was saying, but–
Marie yelled back, dumbfounded,
“–Why!? Why are we bombarded!? Those guys are aiming for a coup d’etat, right!? If any harm is to come to Houko–the Royal Family, their purpose will be for nothing, right!? No, more important–!”
Marie immediately leapt to her feet, flailing her arms.
“If they destroy the ‘Heaven’s Pillar, Tokyo, Japan will end up sinking if it gets too bad! Those guys too will…!”
This would not be a coup d’etat.
It was simply a terrorist attack–no, the worst form of it, a ‘suicide terrorist act’.
It was different from the initial premise, different from before. She could not understand the significance of this action–
However, it seemed even Naoto could not explain her doubt at this point, as the winds blew through the massive hole, engulfing the scene–and at this moment…

“–Spraying steam can weaken the directional power of the microwaves. Such a suitable countermeasure that vexes me. However, I do hope that you tell me, how do you know this main cannon is a ‘Microwave Mega Cannon’?”

The deep, steely voice of a man echoed in the level.
–Where did that come from?
This voice did not come from a speaker, and neither was it heard directly.
Marie looked around, trying to answer her own doubt. Then, she realized,
The entire floor was resonating, spreading the voice.
Before anyone could react, that voice continued on calmly,
“I suppose you are still alive, right? ‘Y’–, no, I remember, young Naoto Miura.”
Everyone, beside RyuZU, turned to focus their eyes on Naoto.
The only two who had an impression of that voice–Naoto and RyuZU, looked down from the hole that was blown through the floor.
There was the massive weapon, looking like a little dot in Grid Akihabara.
“–This voice…is it the old man from that time…!?”
Naoto muttered, and Marie jumped up, yelling,
“Naoto! What’s going on? Explain! What’s with that microwave mega cannon!? Whose voice is that?”
But Naoto could not answer. He did not answer.
“Like hell I know!? Mirco–what is that!?”
“–When we fell to the deep basement the last time, we did meet an old man who assumed himself to be a hermit and lost to life. I suppose that is his voice–but here is the question. Why do we hear that annoying voice again?”
RyuZU muttered as she recalled, perplexed.
“…No, since it is you, I suppose you would have blocked it ‘without knowing’. There used to be an installation called a microwave, and this uses the theory behind it–this sound too uses the wall to resonate through the power of electromagnetic waves. I do apologize for rattling on by myself.”
The robotic voice continued to ignore the dumbfounded group, and said,
“Oh yes, I have yet to introduce myself–I am Gennai Hirayama, the leader of this coup d’etat. Now, you must be thinking, why attack the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’?”
Marie remembered this name well, nodding.
Yes, even if he did so, it would merely be leading them to a path of self-destruction…
“I shall keep it brief that. To be honest, regarding this coup d’etat…the outcome does not matter to me. The executed subordinates however were utterly fuming at the injustice however.”
–Does not matter?
No, more importantly. What’s with the ‘executed’?
While new doubts appeared in Marie’s mind, the owner of the voice–Gennai, continued on,
“–We wanted to show this narrow-minded world that only recognized gear technology, the results of our research–how outstanding this electromagnetic technology is. After that, we would correct the government that abandoned us like rubbish. This basically was the purpose of our mission, but…”
Gennai paused, and then continued,
“I knew it would fail.”
“Or rather, I would say that the premise is not there. The world has already admitted to how amazing electromagnetism is. Why would any country abandon such a useful technology and appear to abide by International Treaties. You would not have believed, right?”
That’s true. Marie thought.
Japan, so timid in diplomatic relations, was researching on electromagnetic technology.
Anyone would be able to find one or two secret research labs in any country, if they were willing to look…
“Next, to take down the government–this itself is an easy objective to accomplish, but once our electromagnetic weapon is revealed, all that awaits us is a world war.”
Yes, the other countries would not ignore such an obvious threat.
They would try to eliminate it at any cost. At the very least, they would try to have measures to counter, even if they had to use their secret electromagnetic technology.
“Well, those subordinates seem to think that with this weapon and electromagnetic technology, we should be able to fight on par against other countries. This youthful enthusiasm is truly terrifying. The past me would not be able to allow myself to go along with my subordinates, so I retreat to the underground and live on–however…””
There was a change in tone,
“Over there, I realized–far beyond the structure of this country, more importantly than the loss of human lives–is this arrogant being. I realized that this world is straying off course!”
The deep, booming voice sounded agitated for the first time,

“–I shall go straight to the point. Naoto Miura–no, ‘Y’.”

Naoto lifted his face.
The grey eyes of inexplicable intent looked into the space.
“–You have arrogantly modified the world, denying every step humanity had made in the past, insisting that your view is the right one, and contorted this world–in that case, I shall ask you again.”
Marie could not understand what Gennai was talking about.
But she could sense intense fury, hatred from that voice–and his hidden view.
“–Stop me if you can. If you can, you aren’t human. If you can’t, you shall regret that you contorted this world with impudence and arrogance, and sink to the depths of Hell. You shall know the will of us ordinary humans–you monster.”

–Silence descended.
The voice vanished.
While everyone was looking dazed, Halter first broke the silence, tilting the head of the potent ‘Black Tortoise’, saying,
“–So, Naoto, what kind of joke is this?”
Vermouth then spoke,
“I say, kid. Wha-what kind of a wretched thing did you say to anger him like this? Mind sharing a bit for future reference?”
And Naoto, being questioned, showed a perturbed expression, shaking his head, saying,
“Ah, no…? I just answered what he said…did I say something weird back then, RyuZU?”
“No, Master Naoto, you merely mentioned some simple logic. The problem here is, why did he go berserk…is it due to dementia?”
The overly dire situation, coupled with the relaxed atmosphere, caused Marie to raise her voice, yelling,
“So Asia’s going to sink because of someone’s dementia–!? You got to be kidding! Anyway, Naoto!”
Marie pointed at Naoto fervently,
“What right do you have to call me a landmine of a girl!? Didn’t you just step on one unprecedented one!?”
“No, well, even if you say so, it’s impossible for me to spot the landmine of that ridiculous old man! That guy’s already half-crazy at that point.”
“…? Papa, what did that old man say?”
“Eh, AnchoR, it’s fine that you don’t understand~ I guess nobody can either…”
Naoto looked listless as he said that.
At that moment, Marie suddenly felt a chill up her spine.
–Am I thinking too much?
That empty smile, feels like there’s something he can’t get back…
“A-anyway, let’s sort things out here!!”
Marie shook off her fears, trying to sort her thoughts,
“Naoto, how long more until that massive thing fires another one?”
“…I don’t know. But when it was fired…it probably was loaded about 80%. Right now…it’s about 30 or so? Say, I don’t know the actual structure, but I guess it needs to get back to 80% before it can fire another, or maybe even 50!? I don’t have anything to prove after all!”
“…It’s fine. Let’s just think of the worst case scenario. Assuming that it can fire again at 50%–how long more until then?”
Marie asked, and Naoto cupped his head,
“…I told you I don’t know. I already thought it was strange that it’s able to reload to more than 80% at that time. I said that it’ll take 66 hours for it to reload! Around 46 hours passed then, and there should be a day buffer! But it’s beyond my–”
Marie grabbed Naoto by his collar.
The blazing emerald eyes were glaring at the grey eyes.
“Right now, the only things we can rely on are your ears and instincts! Answer me with your instincts! How much longer until the next shot, earliest!”
“–72 minutes. ‘No’–sooner than that.”
Naoto concluded.
Marie thought,
Since this guy said so, there’s no doubt. Without any other guideline, let’s use this as the baseline–72 minutes. It’s decided. It’s confirmed.
That’s certainly not a long time.
In this situation, there’s no major difference between seven minutes and seven seconds.
Take a deep breath, sorting everything out one by one–
Marie looked towards Halter–the head of the ‘Black Tortoise’, asking,
“–Halter, how much longer do you think the ‘military’ will stop watching and deploy troops to suppress them?”
“…I’ll say it if you want; they’ll attack at any given moment. There’s nothing to assure the Princess’ safety.
“Argh, seriously! Everyone’s just good at dragging everyone else down, right!?”
Marie stomped on the floor.
However, Houko took a step forward, voicing a different voice,
“No, I feel that it will take about 40 minutes…no matter what miracle occurs now, that will be the required time.”
Eh–everyone present turned to look at Houko.
And with everyone’s stare focused on her, Houo continued,
“–When that weapon appeared, the Capital’s Defense Force was wiped out. After that, there was a total of 8 different cases of internal conflicts in Tokyo due to the government’s breakdown, and with the rebels uprising, the 1st to 4th military forces were deployed due to the police’s request to put them down, and were in battle mode. The main rebel forces surrounded the Palace in 2 massive formations, but all of you did wipe them out, no?”
And then–
“Simply put, currently, the Tokyo ‘military’ has lost its fighting ability, not under ordinary command. Assuming that both allied and enemy ‘militaries’ were deployed because of your terrorist attack premonition, they will now have to regroup their fighting forces, strategize, affirm the command structure, and if needed, call for reinforcements–even if there are people with such abilities, will and authority that could quickly gather all these, if I have to estimate based on the time that passed–I suppose 40 minutes will be the limit. However–”
Houko showed a tender smile,
“If such a person does exist, I suppose the situation would not have turned out like this.”
Marie showed no attempt to hide her shock as she stared at Houko.
“–You’re someone with no political power, right?”
“Of course. I am a woman born to the Royal Family after all.”
Houko gave a demure smile.
Too bad. Marie thought.
Houko was able to showcase the ability and will to make such an analysis in such a situation. If she was born in a different era, or perhaps, not born to the Royal Family, she probably would be one capable of leading this country.
“–Right, then let’s go along with that understanding.”
Marie shook off the thoughts she had at that instant, saying this.
“At the very least, we don’t have to wait for 40 minutes until they attack. Just lower the partition wall; Halter and Vermouth alone should be able to fend off the JSDF. Next is…”
The biggest issue.
And because of this, Marie was hesitant as to whether she should touch on this dire topic.
“…So in the next 72 minutes until the main cannon is fired–how do we connect the severed cables and destroy that monstrous thing…I guess?”
That hit from before vaporized all the parts that were nearly connected.
This meant that they had to redo everything. Worse off–
“We’re lacking 18 people…haha.”
–All she could do was laugh.
There were 18 automata controlled by outstanding Meisters, and including Marie and Conrad, synchronized with Vermouth–the work of 20 people in at least an hour was to be completed again by 2 after such massive devastation.
–Impossible. There has to be a limit to how bad things are now.
No matter how she tried to formulate a plan in her mind, she could not come up with a winning strategy to ‘make it’.
But…she had no time to waste on hesitating.
And as the winds whirled in this level that was punctured, Marie asked,
“–Naoto, let’s reconnect the cables again! Analyze the structure ag–”
“Hey Marie, do you say what you’re saying now?”
Naoto simply laughed blankly, saying,

“–How am I supposed to hear the sound of gears that have vanished?”

Marie gasped.
The petite boy bared a hollow smile as he said that.
One could sense that it was God’s declaration of the end of the world–the feeling of ‘the end’.

All that was left at the scene were the strange buzzing of the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’ structure, the incoming winds–and…
The sounds of the clock hands tickings engulfing the level–signifying precious time.
Nobody knew what to do, merely remaining silent.
Marie too remained slumped, staring at the clock.
4 minutes had passed.
–10% of the minimum limit they had passed by without a purpose.
Suddenly, Marie thought of something, and muttered,
“…It’s not too late. Any way to evacuate the people?”
“I suppose not.”
Houko, seated beside her, immediately answered.
“There is no one in command capable of notifying the people to evacuate. Those that reacted quickly would have done so beforehand…it is a question of whether they can be saved.”
“…I guess. Knew that.”
But I just can’t help but ask– Marie sighed.
Naoto, right opposite her, said,
“I say, RyuZU, AnchoR, you can go evacuate first, right?”
“Impossible. I did mention before, Master naoto, that for me, there is no option for me to abandon you. If you did forget, I would say that you have a dire case of short term memory.”
“AnchoR…doesn’t want it too…!”
RyuZU answered without a single hesitation, and AnchoR latched herself onto Naoto, not willing to break away.
The important thing now is that we can’t escape– Marie thought.
Gennai Hirayama fired that cannon, intending to obliterate the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’.
The damage caused by the first cannon shot was barely minimized to ‘such an extent’ due to Naoto’s instincts–but with so many parts crushed, they could not manipulate the weather, let alone connect the cables. It was impossible for them to block the next shot.
What would happen next?
‘Heaven’s Pillar’–if this tower, befitting of its name was to snap and fall, there would be widespread destruction.
Following that, the Capital Circle would cease function completely, plummeting to the bottom of the planet.
Once the Multiple Grid Tokyo was to collapse, all of Japan, the entirety of East Asia, and sooner or later, this ‘Clockwork Planet’ would be fatally damaged.
No matter where they ran to, they definitely could not escape.
And as for countermeasures they could use…there was none no matter how many times she pondered over it.
Marie’s eyes were droopy, her quivering fingertips touching her lips, and they felt dry, parched. She felt a chilling anxiety, following by fear that numbed her temples. That state was…
Marie realized.
–I’m in despair.
It did not start at this point.
When she first felt that shockwave two days ago–the power that destroyed the world, she despaired.
Certainly, back then, Marie’s heart ceased along with the clockwork technology that were wrecked by the electromagnetic pulse–that was how she understood it.

–I already gave up. I’m just using that ‘magic’ as my last hope.

Her heart long dead, Marie asked in a prayerful manner,
“–Naoto, I guess AnchoR and RyuZU can’t destroy that weapon?”
Naoto answered with a weak voice.
“‘Maybe’ they can, but they’ll definitely be severely damaged–I rather the whole of Asia, or even the world sink than that to happen–that’s it.”
Naoto scratched his head, showing an expression he never did before, and bit his nails.
–So he understood, Marie thought.
At this rate, it was a matter of time before everyone would be buried along with them, plummeting.
And even so, Naoto could not give an order.
Neither side was willing to abandon. Neither side was willing to save.
…It was to be expected.
For he was simply an ordinary human who would be frustrated, hesitant, and make mistakes.
There certainly was not a convenient ‘magic’ that could fulfill any wish.
Having understood this easily understood truth at this point, Marie lowered her head.
She could not sight.
At this moment–
AnchoR suddenly stood up, saying,
“…An order, please–”
Naoto lifted his face, showing a grim look, and immediately shook his head,
“–No. No way! Don’t make me repeat myself, please…AnchoR.”
“But…if this keeps up…”
“Yeah, I know, I know! So AnchoR, please–use that as your last move. I’ll think of something. I’ll solve–”
Naoto begged over and over again.
But Marie suddenly noticed a minor change.
AnchoR was shaking all over, taking a step back.
She did not nod, merely staring at Naoto, earnestly saying,
“…I don’t want.”
Naoto lifted his head, and in turn, AnchoR lowered it.
“Sorry…papa…I can’t follow…that order.”
Naoto muttered, looking dumbfounded.
And then, there came an impact.
AnchoR crushed the atmosphere as she leapt out, quickly spinning around. She jumped into the massive hole on the floor, headed straight do–towards the massive weapon on the other end.
But despite hearing the plea to stop, she did not stop. The red and white figure continued to shrink in an instant.
Naoto turned to RyuZU frantically, yelling,
“RyuZU! Get her back right now!”
“…I alone will be insufficient in stopping AnchoR when she starts to take action.”
“In that case…!”
Naoto scratched his head in remorse, groaned, flailed his limbs about, and then, told RyuZU,
“In that case, pass the message to her! Wait for another 46 minutes! Please, I’ll get there before then!”
RyuZU bowed elegantly. With a swirl on the hem of her black skirt, she was about to give chase after her little sister, only to stop, and turn around,
“Master Marie, you mind if I say a few words?”
Marie looked a little dumbfounded, speechless.
RyuZU certainly was not one who would take the initiative to speak to others.
“I have decided to consider the advice the Princess gave me. I do sincerely believe that it is futile, simply a bleak hope, but I am willing to admit that even if I am a perfect ‘servant’, I am still incomplete, not omnipotent–for my personality amongst the sisters is the most reserved.”
“…Erm, I guess.”
Aren’t you the most arrogant of them all here? Marie wondered as she nodded away.
RyuZU sat demurely, saying,
“Master Marie, I would say that Master Naoto is always look at the ‘limit’ of that pitiful mind of yours. Theory, to be a little radical, is simply a posh looking article to be shared with others and codified arbitrarily. The truth is not universal, and neither is it unchanging, or biased. Because of that, though it is a pity, a fact that I really have find difficult to agree with–”
RyuZU paused, her topaz eyes staring at Marie.
She then said,
“…You are right. Just as Master Naoto is. At the same time, you are wrong.
“Right…and wrong…?”
Marie looked dumbfounded as he repeated what RyuZu said.
…I don’t understand what that means.
However, she accepted those words wholeheartedly. She should have given up on thinking, but was driven on by something.
–That was, who exactly is the one wrong in the first place?
RyuZU bowed with a nonchalant look.
“Do give your best and ponder with the insufficient brain juices of yours, Master Marie. Now then, I shall be on my way–if you excuse me.”
RyuZU then turned elegantly, jumping off, leaping down the hole.
While all those present were unable to move, unable to say a word, Naoto alone silently stood up, declaring,
“Let’s get going, Marie.”
Marie continued with the thought even she could not grasp, blankly muttering,
“…But what do we do?”
“What else? Think of something.”
“So I say, what are we going to do!?”
Marie remained seated, not moving at all as she hollered at Naoto.
“Didn’t you say it? You can’t hear the sounds of gears that vanished, that you can’t do anything! You say you’ll think of something–but that convenient ‘magic’ doesn’t exist now!?”
“So what!?”
Naoto’s growl echoed throughout the level.
“So are we going to give up!? Are you just going to wait for your death like this!? Alright, you want me to admit it!? I’ll admit it! I’ve no idea as to what to do at all!”
Marie was grabbed by Naoto on the collar, and felt difficulty breathing.
The furious grey eyes were glaring back,
“But, hey! If you don’t know unless I tell you, I’ll make you remember!”
“What kind of woman you around!”
Upon hearing that yell, Marie’s shoulders shook instinctively.
Naoto exerted strength on the hand grabbing the shirt, his face contorted due to agitated emotions as he rattled,
“You’re–really arrogant, despicably shitty, always thinking that you’re high up, yet always talking about your ideals, crying whenever you fail, your heart as soft as tofu, always thinking about difficult things, ruining yourself and dragging others down, the worst kind of a damn landmine girl…!”
–Marie inadvertently regained her usual tone as she muttered,
“You want a fight?”
He paused.

“Nothing is impossible–you’re the kind of woman who always thinks that, right?”
Marie widened her eyes.
For an instant, she did not understand the meaning of those words.
But before she could answer, Naoto shook his head impatiently, hollering,
“Argh damn it! Why do I have to say these words now!? Look, Marie, I’m really unhappy about it, but you’re a genius, right? I think I can do something so precise nobody else can do, but fulfilling all that is all about your talent, right?”
“Whether it was in Kyoto or in Akihabara, it’s the same, right? Without your help, I wouldn’t be able to repair AnchoR and RyuZU in time, and uncle Halter wouldn’t be here! If I have to say it, we wouldn’t be able to leave Akihabara, right!?”
Naoto continued with his spiel of ranting, and in response, Marie stopped thinking.
She blinked. Naoto continued to yell wildly..
“–Tell me, Marie! With that great brain, skills, talent of yours–why did you give up so easily, saying that you can’t do it!?”
Inexplicable to her was what she felt from those words–envy and jealousy.
“If you don’t want to use it, give it to me! Give me your talent already, alright!?”
Those unbelievable words entered her ears.
–Talent, talent, you say?
This person has a a talent nobody could mimick…an anthentic talent that was magical, god-like, yet he’s begging me for talent…?
–And thus, Marie swung her right fist as proof.

Pak–! With a highly relieving sound, Naoto’s left cheek was spun to the side.
And while he spun to his limit, Marie swung her left hand this time.
…Ahh! No, stop, stop! I’m not going to brood over this. Fine, it’s over. Everyone worked hard!
Yeah. Thinking about everything from the beginning, it’s strange. Ridiculous.
Why does this noble me have to hope for this idiot, this hopeless pervert, this madman who has a completely different worldview, and get dragged along by him.
No way–it should be the other way around, right?
Everything’s infuriating me! It’s annoying!
Everything about me and other than me is annoying me!
Argh, the world can just eat shit! Everyone can die! Die!!
Anyway, everyone’s just doing whatever they want! You guys are just some shitty lower beings. Don’t cause me trouble without my permission! Kneel down! Knowtow!
–So? Erm, where was I?

Marie let go of her hands, releasing Naoto from the grappling hold, and thought.
“–Right, yeah, that’s it! I’ll tell you how! This–can break through this damned situation!!”
She squealed, gathering the attention of all those present.
It’s simple. She thought as she told everyone.
“In other words–if Naoto has my skills, we got a way. You just need to hear out the structure of the remaining gears, and build new circuits. On the other hand–I can do the same if I have Naoto’s instincts, right? Then–”
Marie continued on,
“Simply put, the reason why we’re in ‘checkmate’ under such a damned situation–is because of one thing. This situation isn’t for you and I to work separately, Naoto.”
Marie turned her head around.
In front of her was a scowling idiot, stretching his joints after breaking free.
“So Naoto–time for some give and take.”
Having said that, she looked at herself, her thoughts deliberately stopped.
–Who’s the one wrong in the first place?
What RyuZU said echoed in her mind.
–Yeah, damn it. I don’t want to admit this no matter what, and it’s really unbelievable…
Marie slowly inhaled, and looked around.
There was Houko, Halter, Vermouth, Conrad, who was synchronized with Vermouth, and right in front of her eyes, Naoto.
With all their stares gathered on her, she declared,
“–Your senses are correct, so I’ll teach you how to use that feeling. On the other hand, teach me that feeling…!”

“Make full use of this sense…?”
Naoto repeated blankly, and Marie told him,
“You said it before, didn’t you? No matter how you tried reading the textbooks and teaching materials, you don’t get what it means. In other words, you find something odd with it, right”
Naoto nodded in response to the succinct point Marie made.
“Then it’s all easy now–what’s wrong are the textbooks. Your instincts are correct.”
Naoto shouted in terror, and then frantically indicated,
“W-wait a second. I read the latest gear technology books!”
“I guessed so. So…what’s wrong is the current gear technology.
Marie admitted it.
…She admitted it.
What she blurted out from her mouth caused her to quiver in agitation.
She felt Houko, Halter and Vermouth watching on with bated breath.
And Conrad, through Vermouth, let out a voice of terror,
“Pardon me–Professor Marie. I do apologize for interrupting, but do allow me to finish. May I inquire what you are getting at…?”
“–It’s as what we said. The gear technology we learned about is wrong.”
One could sense Conrad gasp from the other end.
This is to be expected. Marie thought.
Admitting the errors of the current gear technology–would be equivalent to taking the initiative to deny herself and everyone who practiced that technology.
“His instincts are definitely correct, proven by the Imaginary Gear’ in RyuZU that was repaired, and the abnormalities that were discovered precisely in the Core Tower. Since Naoto finds it strange–what’s wrong is us who assumed that we understood.”
Marie finished, and then gave a glare to Naoto.
“I don’t know the reasoning, and though I’m really unhappy about this, I really don’t know. One thing I can be sure of is that–your ability isn’t something that can be explained by exceptional hearing.”
“That…erm, in that case, what is it?”
While Naoto remained flustered, Marie continued,

“You–know the ‘answer’.”

“I know…the ‘Answer’?”
I don’t understand, Naoto gave such a face, and Marie nodded at him, continuing on,
“You had the ‘answer’ beforehand, and that’s how you know what it is, how it is supposed to work. Otherwise, how else would you know about how the trillions of little parts are supposed to work? Logically, it’s impossible. What you vaguely described as ‘voice’, your ‘answer’–was overly correct.”
And then, she continued,
“–There isn’t any ‘technology’ that uses such senses as premise. No matter what you do, it all comes back to ‘status quo’ for you, that you’ll try all the methods again before you find the answers.”
–Right, it’s no wonder he can’t understand any class topics. It’s to be expected why he can’t understand the blueprints.
If the questions, blueprints–all of them are ‘faulty’ in the first place, than Naoto, who knew of ‘perfection’, would have found it weird in the first place.
“So I guess I’m the first one. I’ll help you–‘start with class’, a personal crash course from this Marie Bell Breguet designed for you. Dig your ears out and listen closely.”
Upon hearing this, Naoto let out an audible gulp.
He was seat properly, staring at Marie intently.
With a serious look, Naoto was worried about missing out on every word Marie said, and even a single action.
And Marie nodded lightly, beginning the lesson–

“–Please analyze this in your mind. That’s all for the lesson.

–It ended with this one line.
Naoto looked utterly disappointed, and scowled.
Are you making fun of me? That livid face of his was to the point of acrimony, but Marie did not mind as she continued,
“Since you can see the answer, you just need to analyze that answer and work backwards.”
“Work backwards…?”
“I guess…no, I’m certain that you’re in the state of hearing an orchestra performance before it happens.”
“Once the orchestra begins, you’ll start to be disappointed by the lackluster performance. Thus, you’ll identify all the instruments and performers one by one, until you figure out the problem, and start the performance again, repeating the same process all over–until it becomes a different tune altogether. Do you agree?”
Marie asked, and Naoto remained silent.
However, it was obvious from his startled face.
–How did you know that muchHis face was practically stating that much.
“What you need isn’t a blueprint, but a songsheet. You have a completely different method to us clockwork technicians, and you grasp things completely different from us–”
Marie shook her head,
“–No, it’s probably not a songsheet, but a waveform chart, I guess? Anyway, your understanding of gears is completely different from ordinary people. That’s the reason why you felt the awkwardness between the textbooks and what you know. What you see is rhythm, music…in other words, ‘flow’.”
–For example, yes, like light.
Light possessed two kinds of nature concurrently, ‘particles’ and ‘waves’.
It was said that the issue of whether light was of particles or waves had bothered scientists since ancient times.
If gears were to be described as light–then current gear technology would only view it as ‘particles’, while Naoto Miura understood it as ‘waves’.
Nobody taught him, and he naturally listened to it–as ‘sound’.
And no matter how unreasonable, illogical it was, his answer was correct.
Just as light was ‘particle’ and ‘wave’–
If she was to consider it this way, it was understandable.
He had the talent to grasp the gear structure more precisely than anyone else in the world, yet why would he not understand basic technology?
For that was because for Naoto, this damned genius–he was educated in a wrong manner.
At the very least–to Naoto, ordinary gear technology was merely a shackle to him.
It was to be expected. This was not self-explanatory. Perhaps it was a necessity.
With her mere knowledge of gears as ‘particles’ alone, it was impossible for her to understand gears that acted like ‘waves’…
Thus, what Naoto needed was not a theory on the technology.
All he needed–was to follow his senses.
“You don’t have to think about repairing it, or think about trying to put it all together. What you should do–is to analyze it, and go backwards.”
Construct the perfect image in the mind.
For Naoto, he simply had to thoroughly analyze the ‘perfect imagination’ similar to the real thing, reverse engineer it, and it would become the blueprint for his own use.

Having finished this lesson, Naoto continued to stare at Marie intently.
His eyes were filled with respect, admiration and envy.
Back then, when she was in the ‘Meister Guild’, Marie’s fellow technicians would give her such gazes, the gazes that hailed her genius.
And now that it was Naoto giving her such a look, Marie felt uncomfortable–and also humiliated, so she deliberately remained aloof, adding vitriol in her tone,
“Right, now it’s your turn to teach me…”

…I’m not a genius.
Once she admitted this fact, Marie felt so calm, she was startled by it.
She was merely a counterfeit, simply filling up, dolling up on her self-depreciation.
A real genius. That would refer to her older sister, her father–or this infuriating pervert in front of her.
Marie had talent too. She put in the effort, and showed results.
But that was merely all.
She was unable to break out. She was adept at using what others created, but was unable to create anything brand new, anything unprecedented.
She was unable to use her own power to make the impossible possible.
And because she understood this more than anyone else, Marie forced herself to think,

–I’m someone who thinks that there’s nothing impossible in the world.

It was not out of pride or dignity.
It was a definition Marie set for herself, one she definitely could not contort.
And for this definition, Marie denied all the common sense that formed her.
–Right, time to prepare myself. She thought.
What you’ll know later on is knowledge completely different from what you know.
What he’ll be teaching you, telling you, and whether you can understand it yourself–
Shake off these thoughts now.
–It’s not whether I can, it’s that I will.
How exactly does this abnormality in front of me views this world–
Doesn’t matter whether I can understand, even if it’s a fragment.
No matter how illogical it is, I have to absorb it. I must personally recreate it–!
With much anticipation, Marie awaited Naoto’s words, and the latter merely told her,
“I suppose you already understood, more or less, Marie.”
“…I already understood…?”
Marie raised her eyebrow as she repeated what Naoto said.
Naoto nodded, saying,
‘You already knew…you learned about these little unique quirks I have. You already did so when you attached uncle Halter’s head, didn’t you?”
“…What are you saying? Well–I just know of the blueprint–”
Naoto flatly noted,
“You modified it in such a short time, without thinking at all, you know?”
Naoto’s grey eyes showed admiration as he concluded,
“You saw it, Marie, you saw the ‘result’–you saw the future you should connect to.”
No–right when Marie was about to deny it instinctively, she shook her head.
Right–I should have admitted it in the first place.
Naoto Miura–he knew things he logically shouldn’t have.
I don’t know the logic and rationale behind it, but if I don’t think of it this way, I can’t explain it.
So if Naoto says that I can do it–I can do it.
This guy is simply stating his admiration, and right now he’s assuring me for my genius. Is there anything more trustworthy than this?
Marie believed.
–That Naoto Miura simply had a little better hearing than ordinary people.
As he described himself, it was simply abnormality.
Assuming that he was viewed specially because his ears were far more precise than current equipment–Marie Bell Breguet would not lose out to him in this regard.
To refute this–despite her capabilities, she was willing to use current equipment to create equipment that that far exceeded her capabilities.
That was simply a unique quirk, a personal difference that was so miniscule, a simple matter of everyone having their own strengths.
But when that meshed with the delicate touch–
The human brain would surpass common sense.
Halter proved it.
Naoto’s existence proved this.
–I too proved this countless times already!!
And then, an image appeared in Marie’s mind like a flash, causing her to widen her eyes.
“–I see…so we’re ‘opposites’…you’re completely different from me.”
Naoto muttered with skepticism, and Marie looked at him, feeling confident.
Right, opposite.
Marie Bell Breguet was able to derive the answer from the events that led to the situation.
Naoto Miura was the one who created a scenario based on the ‘ideal answer’ he wanted.
And thus, by changing the methods–what they had to do was simple.
Marie lifted her face, and said with enthusiasm,
“Naoto, tell me the major circuits or cores you hear in the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’–anyway, tell me everything you find that’s important. You know the outcome, so tell me what it is.”
Upon hearing that, Naoto answered skeptically.
“…Okay, but I don’t have the confidence that I can describe it perfectly, you know?”
“It’s fine–I’ll analyze everything, remember them, absorb and digest it all–how about it? Are you going to say that I can’t do it? Have at it!?”
Marie sneered as she said this.
And upon seeing that, Naoto showed a serious glint in his eyes, nodding lightly,
“…Now then, Marie. I’m not as smart as you are, and I’m not good at explaining with words, but if it’s you, I’m sure you’ll understand. Thus, I’m going to express what I feel.”
Bring it on–Marie swallowed back these words she was about to blurt out, and bit her lips.
“Marie, what I say from now on, ‘hear it, and forget it all’.”
Marie inadvertently squealed due to the setback from the conflicting words. Naoot however did not mind as he continued on,
“It’s fine if you can’t remember but don’t forget to hear it all and don’t listen so don’t think but think about”
“Everything right and everything wrong is all a paradox that is correct and right is left so there’s nothing and everything–”
“I don’t know and yet I do.”
“I know and yet I don’t.”
“You may not remember and yet you have to so here I go.”

“…Marie, you awake?”
The palm shaking in front of Marie’s eyes finally caused her to blurt out.
She was inadvertently gasping–what did Naoto just do to her? What did he say?
“Right, looks like you’re awake. You remember everything?”
“–Ack? Eh? Remember what?”
Marie was tongue-tied for a moment, tilting her head in skepticism.
She had a vague impression, but Naoto seemed to have told her a lot of things–?
“Right, okay–looks like you ‘remember’.”
“W-wait!? What did you just–”
“I said before that I want to express what I feel, right? I just converted what I felt in my mind into words.”
“W-wait a sec! I said I’ll remember! What you just said, I–”
“You remember.”
Naoto pointed up to the day, as though indicating ‘the sun has risen’, chuckling,
“Marie…you remembered all the products of the Breguets company, all the weapons and machines in the world, and even RyuZU’s blueprint…right?”
Marie nodded blankly, and Naoto continued,
Since you don’t know, I’ll tell you, alright? No ordinary person–is able to do such a thing.”
Naoto seemed to be returning the favor as he grinned away, saying those words, causing Marie to widen her eyes.
“I said it, didn’t I? You already knew, Marie. The only difference between us is just a matter of eyes and ears…ah, I’ll say it here. I do remember everything about RyuZu’s structure, down to he wire, you know?”
Marie blankly watched Naoto state this proudly with a defiant streak, and went silent.
–Ponder the meaning of what Naoto just said.
Was that all just about ‘remembering’, or was it that she ‘already knew’?
While she continued to brood with vague thought, Naoto told her,
“It’s fine–my senses have been converted to words successfully, so you’ll definitely be able to understand.”
“Marie, you remembered what I said. You don’t remember, yet you do. The Marie I know–the genius Marie would definitely be able to ‘understand the entire floor’.”
“–Why do you think I can do it?”
“It’s not about what I think, it’s about what I know. Your memory, Marie–is why I’m so envious, and respect it so much. It’s embarrassing, but I got to tell you this.”
Naoto took a deep breath.
“–It’s the same, just like that. You didn’t simply ‘memorize’ it, Marie, you simply ‘grasped’ it somewhat. So–I felt maybe I could do it too.”
Naoto showed a somewhat gaudy smile.
And then, he showed an expression Marie never did see before–an expression filled with confidence and trust.
“It’s fine. Believe.”
Naoto merely told Marie this, and stood up.
He picked up the tools that were scattered on the floor, and returned to his position. Marie watched his back with her eyes, and gulped, before following what he did.
With tools in her head, Marie naturally walked on, and moved to her ‘post’.
However, at that moment–her hands stopped, and then…
She got frustrated.
To be honest, Marie did not understand what Naoto just said.
What do I do? What shall I do? Where do I begin from–?
Marie thought–before she proceeded to mock herself.
She was laughing at herself several minutes ago. In other words–she would certainly be so anxious at this moment, falling into despair again like usual, being the Marie Bell Breguet who was unable to move.
But the current her was different.
That Naoto, the image of a hero she admired, the ideal image she aimed to be, the undoubted genius…
With countless repeated convictions–he wanted Marie to ‘believe’.
The ideal hero she had went out of the way to assure her.
Very good–Marie boldly smiled.
Right–now’s the only time.
With that as guarantee, I’ll go along with that expectation, and enter the world that guy sees–!
“–Count to 4, take a breath….count to 3, take a breath–”
Marie muttered, trying to force her concentration to its maximum.
She was aiming for the sensation she felt when she connected Halter.
And once she was confident that she was in the realm where she could see the entire city–
“Count to 3, take a breath; count to 2, take a breath, count to 2, take a breath again, count to 1–”
–She closed her eyes. All the sounds vanished, her consciousness became clear, ridding itself of all noise.
And then…in the consciousness she was submerged in, her imagination proceeded to open their eyes.

–Right in front of her was a deep, deep hole.
That hole was dark, the bottom nary to be seen, and the wrecked doors remained ajar.
The wrecked doors had some words inscribed on them, similar to something she saw in a collection of classical poems,
–“‘Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate’.”
I see, Marie thought as she grimaced, and firmly believed,
That beyond these words, would be the actual hell–the world ‘Naoto Miura sees’, the ‘other world’.
Marie smiled–abandon hope. Hope?
Such a vague, God-given thing was not something she would have to give up. She already lost it.
In that case–the ‘greed’ and ‘pride’ to reveal everything about this world…
With these two ‘great sins’, it was easy for her to jump forward–!
And right when Marie was about to step forward, what was left of her remaining sanity warned her,
“Jump inside here,, and there’s no way back.”
–I’m already prepared. But is this really the world–the world Naoto is leading me to–?
This little hesitation caused her consciousness, once buried, to appear in her eyes.

Right in front of her was Naoto Miura–already at work.
At first, he was listening intently to the void as usual, and then, he slowly–yet without hesitation, kept working without stopping.
He was an undisputed–an impressive ‘clockwork technician’ to whoever looking on.
Marie was fully convinced of it–that Naoto had changed.
His movements were not as fast as hers, and neither was it as polished as a Meister; there were a few times where he took the wrong tool, but–there was no hesitation as to ‘where he was supposed to touch’ as he worked fast, and easily surpassed the Meisters who first started out.
To correct what Marie assumed–Naoto did not change.
–That, that was truly, how he was, the real thing, the one being that caused ignited hatred in her subconsciously.
(–What amateur is this? Isn’t this a real genius?)
Marie felt an ember burn increasingly within her heart, becoming a bonfire that burned everything.
–I’m going to catch up to that. I’m willing to go anywhere for this aim…!!
She was again submerged in her consciousness, imagining herself standing in front of that hole.
She was in this world devoid of sound–but,

“…Hey, Marie.”
…The voice echoed so clearly however.
And when her eyes focused, she saw Naoto, standing deep within the hell–far beyond the gates of Hell, slowly turn his head around.
“–What are you scared of?”
Naoto’s voice and back were reaching out to Marie, seemingly mocking her.
At that moment, Marie’s heart was scorching.
“–Don’t get cocky now. I won’t allow you to stop and turn back, and no helping me–I’m going to catch up to you, and send a flying kick at your back–!”
Marie growled furiously, and charged forth with all her might.
–She was headed towards the place she yearned to be.
And as she took the one way route to Hell–
And then, at that moment–time stopped.
This feeling…of course, she had an impression of it.
She did have such a sensation when she was so focused on repairing, her concentration at its maximum.
A fish swimming freely in its dream, the senses she knew of extended to infinity–till this point, it was still a familiar concept to her.
However, for Marie, whose eyes were widened due to reality…
–The world changed.
She looked up, and the sight of gears rattling together was as usual–but…
It appeared the wind was dyed with color, for the forces, operations, flow, directions–they appeared to be spinning like a vortex.
The ‘wind’ she saw at this point was something she normally could not see.
The ‘color’ she realized at this point was something she should not be able to know of.
For the thing Naoto recognized as a ‘voice’, Marie saw it as a ‘color’.
Naoto imprinted massive information upon Marie’s mind–and the latter recognized it as ‘synchronization’.
The overwhelming amount of information was scorching the mind, causing a sense of riveting blissfulness.
The visualized blueprint. The image version of physical laws.
And as she sensed the boundless omnipotence driving her, Marie thought,

“–Why, I guess I’m a genius after all.”
Marie recalled the despair she felt in Akihabara, the ludicrous delusions.
Ahh, I guess I’m somewhat useful after all–Marie mocked herself, and picked up a tool.
–‘Everything is just an illusion’, that impression itself, not that sensation–was correct.
Everything she could see was all wrong.
No, she could not look deep below the world covered by the surface.
It felt as she she revealed an ‘illusion’, as though a ‘membrane’ was shed from the world.
Marie, who had abandoned all concepts before this, could firmly believe–
Naoto was able to use his ears to affirm the ‘abnormalities’ in the ‘Core Tower’ or the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’.
Vermouth was able to use something that was not exactly a prosthetic, and fight an ‘abnormality’ to such an extent.
No, that was not all.
At this point, Marie abandoned all the concepts she had–everything she accepted till this point–and eliminated them…
She was able to realize that everything–everything on this world was ‘abnormalities’, and ‘normals’.
Resonance non-contact gears? Nanogears? Clockwork AIs that replicated human thoughts?
They were all ‘abnormalities’.
–If one was to think about them logically, how could such things possibly exist…
The one who designed those things, or the ones who analyzed the details, probably subconsciously, or occasionally, latched their fingertips upon the ‘Core of the world’, and created–and then…
After that, they created theories.
All theories, science, and technology was as such.
First, the results were obtained, and then, they would explain the theories by ‘handwaving it’.
If they understand, it was nothing–but if current theories could not explain, then what?

–The Earth used to be flat.
After that, humans looked at planets, wrote mathematical formulae, constructed astrology, and understood that the Earth was spherical. They learned that the Earth revolved around the sun–but what about before this was proven?
Was the Earth flat? Were they the center of the universe?
–No, nothing changed.
The world was always being reconstructed. That was–through ‘humanity’s own hands’–!!
And this time, through the hands of a somewhat mad man, the landscape was reconstructed into gears.
That was a thousand years ago…
But, perhaps–was the world already mechanized at that point?
Having understood this sensation at this point, Marie found this to be skeptical too–and upon thinking of this, she smiled,
‘Y’ wanted to use clockwork technology to recreate the world–that was what was said.
In that case–Marie looked at the surroundings, the swirling scenery that was dyed with color due to her resonated senses, thinking,
–I guess this is how the world really looks like–after the ‘illusion’ has been peeled off.
Marie began to work.
She refined her consciousness, conjuring images.
Her accelerated thoughts were extracting the knowledge she wanted from the compressed information within her.
What she should do, what she had to do.
–Everything was clear, consistent.
“I’m right, no? If I can, so can you, right Marie?”
Naoto exclaimed in elation.
Through his voice and breath, it was certain that he sensed the change in Marie–
“–Of course…! Who do you think I am? I’m Marie–the genius who makes the impossible possible, God! I’m the woman who’s going to crush you one day!”
–I know. The world I’m seeing now is the things Naoto’s showing me.
But since she knew of this feeling, even if she was by herself, she would definitely get to this realm…!
And then, the two of them can go along with their instincts and senses, exchanging smiles–
Marie abandoned her comprehension as she began to work beyond human intelligence.

AnchoR was standing on the edge of Grid Ueno, looking down on Grid Akihabara that was right below her.
The moist red eyes were staring directly at the massive, mechanical spider of a monster.
The little hands were wavering in front of her chest, touching the cube.
At that moment,
“–Please wait.”
A voice could be heard from behind.
AnchoR did not turn back to look.
For despite not doing so, she would be able to understand who that voice belonged to, and for what purpose.
In contrast, she answered with a stiff voice,
“…Don’t stop me, sister.”
No. That sister–RyuZU, replied.
“Stop. Master Naoto told me tos top you.”
“…Papa did say…that AnchoR can do whatever she wants, you know?”
“Freedom and selfishness are two different matters altogether. When a child commits a fault, parents have the right and duty to chide and correct. AnchoR, your decision is wrong here.”
AnchoR turned around.
“Then…in that case…is there anything else?”
RyuZu did not answer AnchoR’s question, but the latter continued on,
“..If I don’t destroy that thing, everyone will die. The only one able to deal with it is AnchoR…and, AnchoR…isn’t like you, sister. AnchoR only knows how to destroy…”
RyuZU took the brunt of those words.
Her vision was lowered, the topaz eyes exchanging looks with the red ruby eyes.
And then, the latter took a breath, saying,

“AnchoR–that’s where you’re wrong.”

Upon hearing her sister’s words, AnchoR widened her eyes, wondering what are you saying? Amongst us sisters, I’m the only one built for combat–what else can I do other than to destroy?
RyuZU took a step closer, bending slightly.
“I shall repeat this until you understand. That is not the reason why your built. What you are expected to do, what you need to do, it is not for this simple matter.”
AnchoR was startled.
RyuZU reached out to that unmoving body, patting her lightly on the shoulder,
“–You bear the fate of ‘Trishula’, the ‘power’ with the name of anchor, and you are the strongest amongst us sisters.”
“…Yes, that’s why…I have to destroy–”
“And because of that, you do not understand. Why are you allowed to be the ‘Trishula’, the ‘Destroyer’? Why must you be granted the name of ‘AnchoR’?”
AnchoR muttered. RyuZU slowly nudged away.
She placed her hand tenderly on AnchoR’s head, gently caressing it.
RyuZU gave a wry smile,
“Your ‘thought’ is not wrong. So I will–not be stopping you.”
I don’t understand, AnchoR wondered,
–What is sister trying to say? What am I wrong about? What is right?
And while AnchoR remained skeptical, RyuZU said,
“Your ‘thoughts’ are precious, and correct. But before then, you should try believing in Master Naoto–and the worthless Master Marie to go along with it.”
RyuZU paused, saying,
“–Please wait until the very end.”

Right in front of them–was a boy and a girl executing diviine skills beyond human understanding.
Vermouth saw such a scene, and silently muttered,
“I say, old man…you’re a Meister too right?”
And from the same mouth, an old man’s voice responded,
“…Yes. Or ‘I used’ to be.”
“Then, mind telling me one thing–is that a Meister? If that’s the case, then while I gave up on being human other than my head, those guys–”
The last part of those words were not verbalized.
While Vermouth was starting to feel terrified,
“Pardon me, young Vermouth–but to declare ourselves Meisters in front of those two–the apex of the technicians in this world, I suppose that would be a mockery of ourselves.”
–Human had limits.
Human possibilities are infinite–but no matter how one tried to puff those words, the reality would not change.
Till this point in his life, Conrad had seen many young people–with futures, talented.
They were truly brimming with talent, absorbing things like a sponge soaking up water, learning and converting what they learned into their own matter. They received the inheritance left behind by their predecessors–knowledge, and continued moving forward towards the realm no man could reach alone in their lifetime.
But–despite this, they had to stop at a certain place.
Setbacks, haughtiness, conceitedness, arrogance, loss of strength–Conrad understood very well that it was too much to dismiss that as immaturity.
For that was humanity. Anyone with a heart would reach that wall. Thus, despite possessing infinite possibilities, humans would seal off their possibilities somewhere. Or sometimes, they would be crushed by those possibilities. Or sometimes, they would ultimately ruin themselves. Or sometimes, they would go mad.
–However, Marie had already gone beyond that limit, so Conrad thought.
She would not compromise, nor succumb. Despite multiple setbacks and failures, she continued to move forward–and reached that realm. She had ‘already’ reached the realm that could be considered the apex of this world.
Or at the very least, that appeared to be the case of Conrad’s eyes.
–Because of this, the scenery before Conrad caused him to realize his incomplete understanding.
The petite girl–was willing to compromise and squeeze out everything she absorbed in her sponge. Despite this, she chose to continue moving forward.
Chasing after the back of that boy–who was at a realm Conrad, probably nobody in this world could approach–
“…Professor Marie, where exactly do you intend to be…”
He was filled with admiration as he muttered, looking afar. Vermouth told him,
“…I don’t know what’s going on. But after seeing people actually doing such things, I’m starting to have the urge to challenge the ‘dream’ I’m about to forget–isn’t this saying that men are still brats no matter how old they are? What do you think, old man?”
“Hmm…I see. It does make sense.”
Conrad agreed, and added,
“…Even at this age, the young ones really did teach me a lesson. I suppose I am still immature after all? Now that I look at this way, I do feel delighted wondering if I will continue to grow, and what results will occur.”
Upon hearing Conrad’s cheerful voice, Vermouth gave a wry smile,
“Yeah, looking forward to it. Build me the best Dutch Wife.”
Vermouth paused.
“Of course–of the standard of that Initial-Y.”
But once he heard that joking voice, Conrad did not appear to be displeased.
He merely seemed surprised, asking,
“…Hm? Did I say anything that implied that?”
“Nothing? It’s just that I’m a lifeform who manages to live on through instincts.”
Vermouth looked down at his prosthetic–or to be precise, the playdoll automata body Conrad created, and continued on,
“You built a playdoll automata meant for viewing so thoroughly–I don’t think you probably have any ideas after looking at one, right?”
“Well…it’s not really something amazing. I forgot about it myself.”
Conrad said as he reminiscenced over the past.
“–That was when I was in my twenties.”
“That was a long time back.”
“There was a young chap back then, famous for being the youngest Meister in the world, hailed as an unprecedented genius.”
“Oh, so were you that guy?”
“Why, thank you for realizing. In any case, that chap was requested by his own country, Her Majesty back then, to deal with something. There was an automata that would not move, hidden in the Royal Family–the words imprinted on the neck were…’Y, ‘BezEL’, I suppose?”
Vermouth was silent. Conrad continued with a wry tone,
“That lad was in disbelief. Back then–and it was half a century back. The equipment were not as powerful as they are now–the lad’s pride was crushed in the face of this amazing, divine artistry, a Core Tower practically compressed into a young girl’s body. That lad then swore that he had to personally build an automata that surpassed it..”
“…Is that the reason why you became a clockwork technician?”
“Surely you jest?”
Conrad gave a wry smile.
“I did mention that I had long forgotten about it. Surprisingly for me however, perhaps it was always deep inside me somewhere.”
“–Challenge a Initial-Y series…well, this isn’t a bad ‘dream’.”
“Isn’t this great? This is what they mean by revisiting your youth, isn’t it?”
Vermouth’s shoulders were shaking as he laughed. But at this moment–his sights turned to the clock.”
“Leaving that aside…I can say it’s not just a matter of passing humanity, and looks like they’ve already surpassed God. But…isn’t this right, old man?”
“Hm, yes…even at this speed–there is only a 50% chance of making it.”
They had a look at the clock; there was only 3 minutes left.
Naoto and Marie shortened the 1 hour of work by a dozen Meisters to 30 seconds.
But despite this–creating new circuits for the severely damaged ‘Heaven’s Pillar’–would take 120 Meisters a month. What Conrad was worried about was whether the time could be shortened to 180 seconds.
But–assuming that could be done, that would be something beyond God–

The promised time had arrived.
The limit of 72 minutes Naoto declared was approaching.
I can’t wait anymore. AnchoR stood u, saying,
“…Now then, sister…I shall be going, I guess…”
She touched the dangling cube in front of her chest.
The armory was opened with a tremendous rip in the air. AnchoR drew out the weapon she possessed–no, it was a toy teddy bear.
Naoto bought this for her 2 days ago.
AnchoR took off the ring on her right middle finger, and handed it to RyuZU along with the teddy bear.
“Erm…I’m scared of dirtying it…please help me take it.”
“…I shall accept it.”
RyuZU received the ring and teddy bear, looking somewhat skeptical as she continued,
“AnchoR, if you do get ‘serious’, you will surpass my ‘Mute Scream’. Wait until 71 minutes and 59 seconds–”
“Sorry, sister…I won’t wait.”
AnchoR immediately shook her head in response.
“I obeyed what papa ordered me to do. So…it doesn’t matter. AnchoR will end everything, won’t let anyone hurt–papa and the others–”
AnchoR turned to look below.
She was looking down at the block below–the ‘target’ lying in wait at Akihabara.
The ominous, massive–thing that wanted to kill the ones she loved.
She stared at the one thing–she decided she would merciless destroy, and took a breath.
She touched the cube in front of her chest.
The spring spun, and all the power stored within the ‘Perpetual Gear’.
Was all converted into–
The older sister called out her name from behind.
However, AnchoR did not look back. She took a step forward towards the battlefield–to obliterate everything.
The older sister repeated her call. The tone was the same as before, filled with noble elegance.”
“–When you get back, Master Naoto shall tell you something you do not know about yourself. I do not wish to force you to remain unscathed.”
However, this proud older sister continued with a poignant voice.
“You have to return. If you have no intention of doing so–”
A pause.
“–As the older sister, I shall drag you back, even if it means a little punishment.”
AnchoR looked a little sad as her lips curled.
“…Sorry…but sister, you can’t stop AnchoR, you know?”
“Now that will be a tough thing to say. You are the little sister I am so proud of, but I suppose you are getting a little too carried away, and it seems I have a need to–educate you again.”
“You have to know that even in and out of the heavens, there is no automata more outstanding than I am–and that there is no little sister more outstanding than this older sister♪”
Ha–Anchor inadvertently chuckled, and nodded.
And then, she leaped.
From a height of 1,5000m–towards the magnetized Grid Akihabara.

The red and white girl fell, her hair and clothes flapping with the intense winds.
Her mouth was throbbing slightly, leaking some sounds.
It was not the usual vague, childish voices, but a cold, mechanical voice converted into language.
‘Defining Declaration–Initial Y series, Unit 04, ‘Trishula’ AnchoR.”
She affirmed with the voice of one declaring a revolution.
Condition Check–All Green.
Balance Wheel, number 1. Armaments undamaged. Full Activation Condition, removal confirmed.
Warning–Stored Energy in Ten thousand Flowers Fragrance Box , ‘Power Reservoir’–6.1%. Power calculation…done.
Maximum power, 12th Movement activated, subjective maximum power output estimated at 3.2 seconds.
Inherent function—Ten Thousand Flowers Fragrance Box (Power Reservoir)…beginning transformation sequence.
She stated her intent to rebel.
It was a declaration that from this moment onwards–she would defy all physical laws.
At the same time, she affirmed the enemy.
The target–was the multipedal electromagnetic tactical class weapon ‘Yatsukahagi’.
320m in height, 932m in length.
She recognized the source of the heat–the central Core, affirmed that there was electromagnetic technology used.
At at instant, she sensed someone inside her, differing from her will, chuckling within.
–Really, even after 1,000 years, you’re still there?
Even AnchoR could not understand what this was all about, but the battle simulation continued to analyze the enemy in her eyes.
The enemy armaments: electromagnetic pulse gun, railgun and a microwave mega cannon.
Equipped with phased array radar and an infrared sight. Current position is within enemy effective range.
Enemy armor is a magnetic shield. Inferring from the information that it deflected Unit 01 RyuZU’s slice attack, deduced minimum output to destroy is at 11–
“–Enemy threat level, classification ‘lacquer’–Balance Wheel, begin shift to number 13.”
The girl’s body then began to sear.
The laws of physics began to rattle, the paradoxes in concepts began to rub against each other.
“–Began change–Balance Wheel, number 2.”
The round disc within AnchoR–the automata built for combat, began to spin.
It was a device akin to a clock. The hand hand jumped to the position marked II, moving towards III.
“–Number 3–moving beyond activation condition for ‘Bloody Murder’–”
At the same time, the girl’s black glossy hair reached out in an arc, dyed in a bloody red color.
The white armor expanded ominously, the glowing red lines spreading madly over the black armor.
“–Number 4–5–6, 7, 8–”
The revolutions accelerated.
The girl knew that the surging heat was wrecking time, contorting it, maddening it.
For every gear that increased, the subjective time would lengthen increasingly.
“9, 10, 11–”
She felt the clock hand in her body spin around once, and concluded,
–‘Another method’ I told Master.
The weapons she could use were limited, but with the high power frequency activation, most ordinary weapons could not be used–but it was fine, for there was no other plausible method, and there was no time.
“–Number 12–Stored armament LB01, BC08–deploy.”
The cube in front of the chest spun.
After that, a mechanical gear sword taller than AnchoR appeared in her right hand.
Following that immediately afterwards were 8 balls floating behind AnchoR.

And then, the girl’s chest bloomed.

The clothes covering the chest broke apart, the artificial skin ripped open, the ribs erratically converted into a vessel.
The spinning cube continued to accelerate with no signs of slowing down, moving at near lightspeed.
And at that next moment, with the infinitely increasing heat, the cube was embedded deep within the girl’s blooming chest.

“–Removing the subjective regulative condition out of ‘free will’–breakthrough.”

The clock hand pointing at XII within the girl’s body was throbbing intensively in a resistive manner.
The clock hand was twisted, turning, and the reverberation was maddening. Finally, there were numerous cracks, breaking and scattering.
At that moment, AnchoR knew–that on this day, the dream known as eternity would end.

“Balance Wheel, number 13–beginning ‘Self-destructive Movement’.”

She would burn for eternity. Within the flames, the girl transformed into a woman.
Her limbs grew longer, the hair infused with massive heat fell like a waterfall.
The armor melted and fell off, the light red glossy dress showing off an alluring body.

“Chronofork–beginning Perpetual Gear imaginary output, appear.”

And then–

In this still world, the pretty girl AnchoR who burned herself to her limit and changed her appearance–
Said the second terminal line only she out of all the Initial-Y series possessed.

“–Ending Movement ‘Steel Weight’–”

That was the obituary indicating her demise.
The Perpetual Gear–the function that proved the concept of eternity, had an error, and continued with the noises of activation.
The delusion of the eternal girl was breaking apart. Reality was denying herself, awakening.
However, the ending movement proved one thing.
The illogical fallacy of the ‘Trishula’–that there was nothing indestructible in these three thousand years.

–It was simple.
Unlike Unit 01 RyuZU , who ruled the Imaginary time, she could use infinite heat to forcefully rip through time distortions–but this act in itself would bring about friction, inertia, gravity, recoil. She removed the forces that were protecting her from being affected–increasing the output on the premise of self-destruction.
That alone allowed her to continued running at the maximum output–as per her announcement of the name Perpetual Gear.
–For eternity.
Until her body, frame and parts reached their limits and broke apart.

The eternal was performing a requiem–and as this paradoxical melody was played.
The pretty person rebelling against the universe ripped aside the world shackled down by all physical laws–and leaped forward

AnchoR continued to move forward in this compressed world.
There were 8 balls floating behind her.
Those were originally miniature orbits attack drones, but AnchoR leet these orbits move along with her movement output and resonance chain–increasing the output to the maximum.
The cannons became something similar to boosters, shooting out invisible flames.
With the massive thrust from the 8 units, AnchoR accelerated.
She charged towards the ‘target’ at a speed nobody on this world could observe.
(–Get in–!)
AnchoR raised the broadsword with both hands, striking a pose.
There were gears of particle size spinning rapidly on the blade. Typically, it could sever everything, ignoring the thickness of the material.
But in this moment, when time appeared to have approached infinity and stopped–the ‘current’ that was between the gap of zero and one second, the gears on the blade would not be able to move at that speed. If she was to do so, they would be vaporized along with the accelerated orbits.
Thus–AnchoR raised the sword, timed herself, and swung it down.
Using the endurance of this gear sword, at a speed beyond human comprehension, and the reliance of the laws of physics as though it was normal–
The blade went through.
The sword creaked–actually, there would not be sounds coming through in this space–AnchoR merely felt the sword cut, and continued to move.
She kept ‘throwing’–the 8 orbits that were following her.
The orbits hit the cut surface on the armor at lightspeed, damaging and spreading a tremendous amount of energy, which peeled off the electromagnetic armor, vaporizing it.
AnchoR charged through the opening she made that was barely enough for a person to squeeze through.
And so, she charged into the inside of the ‘Yatsukahagi’–
–Then, she collapsed.
At that instant, of the shock removers that exceeded 30 in numbers all over her body, 12 of them were severely damaged.
AnchoR felt the frame creaking, everything, from the tiny parts in her body, starting to break apart, and–
(Auto Gyro–is okay…it’s fine!)
She shook off the shackle of gravity, leaped up, landed on the wall, and started moving her feet.
–Once she reached the first target, her right leg that reached out was wrecked due to the heat and the impact.
The frame was contorted, the shock removers blown apart.
–She was so heated that the temperature inside that machine had no effect, and several parts were already at melting temperature. At this part, AnchoR was so giving off far more than than the amount required to remove the magnetism.
However, she ignored that too.
AnchoR continued to swing the sword at the partition wall right in front of her eyes.
She continued to slash at a speed that would drive the universe insane, and instantaneously reduced the partition wall to plasma.
Before the plasma spread, AnchoR stomped on the floor and accelerated–only to sense her legs were damaged–but she ignored it.
She reached the room, and affirmed what seemed to be the movement–31 of the 1033 coils Naoto mentioned.
The piston that took the form of a giant, intricate screw, with tremendous electromagnetic power.
AnchoR let out a silent roar.
She put aside the ‘pain’ that was cutting away at the connecting function of her arms–and with one swing of the sword, she obliterated everything on the floor.

The human in this machine–the only living heat source–Gennai remained unmoved.
To be correct, he could not move. No, he probably could not realize that.
AnchoR, in that ‘Steel Weight’ mode, was unable to deduce the difference between the external time and the time she was experiencing.
But from the time AnchoR cut into the inside of the armor and destroyed the partition world–even after destroy 809 coils, a mere 0.24 seconds had passed.
It would take–at least 0.3 seconds until the shock spread out, Gennai’s mind recognized that impact, and his mind converted it into ‘shock’.

For every step she took–the manipulators were irreversibly damaged.
For every step she made–the shock became heat, causing the actuator to melt.
And despite this, AnchoR continued to swing the sword–until her right arm was ripped off.
The broadsword flew along with the forearm to a completely unexpected place–at a speed far beyond the railgun of this massive weapon, embedded deeply into the wall at the side.
However, AnchoR ripped off her arm from the hilt, and used her remaining left hand to grip the sword–
(Ha–ah, ahh–ahhhhhh–!!)
With that, she swung the sword using brute force.
The sword ripped through the space, igniting an explosion.
The impact from the crushing during this time caused the space to be ripped apart, matter to vanish.
The scars continued to spread like waves, the heat and pressure blew an entire level on the behind the wall before her, erasing everything.
The heat created light, the impacts caused booms.
AnchoR could not withstand the impact, and slammed into the wall.
She was finding it increasingly difficult to control her posture–for even the sounds on this sealed space could not reach her.
AnchoR continued on to the next floor like a ghost–

It hurts. She muttered in pain within her heart.
She continued to move at a speed nobody could observe breaking through the armor of the massive weapon at a speed faster than light, and at the same time, barged inside, obliterating everything in site–
When she destroyed the 932nd coil, she finally felt the end.
The Auto Gyro melted, and everything below her left knee ceased function. Her right arm was already ripped off, and even the broadsword that displayed astonishing endurance was vaporized just a moment back.
Her thought process was being cut.
Her malfunctioning installations were crushed by the universe’s common sense.
AnchoR was practically losing all mobility, but despite being reduced to such a state, once she reached her destination–
She screamed–and punched the door down with her remaining left hand.
And then, she realized something.
The fist’s power punctured through the door, blowing up several coils on the floor behind it.
The shrapnel fell along with the gravity, and through the noise, she recognized her scream and destruction.
–She could no longer act beyond real time.
(…It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts–it…)
Her heart was shrieking in pain.
–Papa, mama, sister, save me–
Her instincts were wailing such pessimistic words before her rational mind could.
But her rational mind coldly assessed the battle situation before she could be ashamed of this fact.
Her subjective time was no longer any different from realtime.
So–how many seconds did pass after she attack? Or was it several minutes?
She had yet to destroy all the movements.
She did not know how much had to be destroyed until it would stop–but just in case, if she did not destroy everything, everyone would–
Even her voice installation lost its ability to function.
–She was nearing her limit.
But AnchoR had no time to brood, nor was in the mood to hesitate as she crawled on the floor towards the heat source.
It was obvious–that it was the first time AnchoR used the ‘Steel Weight’.
As stated, it was truly a final gambit, and the objective of it was that just in case–when her ‘stored power was reduced to zero’, she had more than enough power to move.
–In fact, she did not know how many seconds she could run on after using that.
Her rational mind as a combat machine was stating that despite this, the ‘battle results’ were not too bad.
With less than 7% of the stored power, the amount of damage she caused on this ‘target’ was 18.2 times more than the activation of her 12th gear. Also, based on the current information she had, if she were to shift to number 11–her power would have run out when she destroyed the initial armor.
However, AnchoR’s ‘heart’ was yelling wildly–I don’t know about that.
(…If I can’t destroy ‘such a thing’…then..wh-why am I–)
She swung her fist as she lamented.
She realized that her remaining left arm could not bear the pressure and get wrecked, and destroyed everything she saw.
–It was meaningless.
A free will–a heart, was the activation key, but she could not protect the ones her heart wanted to protect, and then–AnchoR cursed at her creator.
(…Why, did you…crea, te…An…choR…!?)
–Tell, me…
She wailed out with a voice that just would not come out, and continued forward.

Her two arms were no longer present. Her left leg was melted, and her remaining right leg appeared to be dulled.
The number of power plants she destroyed was –10008.
–It was impossible.
Her power was depleted to a point where she reverted back to actual time, and opening the armory was already a difficult thing for her.
Assuming that even if she could draw a weapon–she had no hands to use them.
Her sensors were all malfunctioning, there was noise in her vision–but…
There was barely some heart vision left within her,, and she captured a reaction.
AnchoR clearly saw a block approximately 200m away from her, a gathering of heat at that place.
She gave up on her dejected heart, and the cold hearted battle machine began to establish an assumption.
If the main cannon of this weapon drew its energy from the coils and ‘gathered’ it all for a shot,
If she was to destroy the heat source gathered there, she could certainly prevent the cannon strike–!
(–Please, break apart!!)
AnchoR grimaced in a prayerful manner.
She callously exerted all her energy from her number 1–towards the right leg that was partially wrecked.
She did not think about how to land, and all she thought of was to shoot through the wall like a cannon.
At that moment–AnchoR Realized.
The heat source within her vision remained still.
That indicated that–her objective time was about to expand again.

–This will be my last activation, AnchoR thought.
She smiled.
With her one remaining right leg, AnchoR accelerated in this time gap.
–The damaged body rubbed against the space. Once she was sure that her body heat was rising again–that fact alone put her at ease.
–The acceleration succeeded. This body could still move.
Certainly, it was like a candle burning the last of its wick, looking extremely dazzling.
The recoil caused by the impact of kicking through the space melted the remaining right leg, and it fell off.
Her expanding senses felt that the wall was exceptionally far away.
A tremendous impact.
It was like a cannon. The scorching, burning AnchoR crashed through the wall, and entered the block behind the wall. However, at this moment, she lost control and speed, and before she could distinguish up from down, AnchoR landed haplessly and heavily against the wall opposite.
She was bouncing on the floor like a puppet with its strings severed.
Despite losing her limbs, AnchoR’s functions were yet to cease.
She lifted her neck with rigid motions, looking around.
–Over there was a hall reminiscent of a temple or a church.
The center space was buried by gears of all sizes, the center of the floor lifted, expanded into a dome.
Located over there was a massive cylinder with numerous shafts, bearings, spheres–a crystal coil of a glass spiral that stored power.
(…If I destroy…that thing…)
AnchoR summoned all of her remaining will, and moved,
She curled her frame, and ended up moving forward like a slug.
–It hurts.
It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts–
The signals from her wrecked sensors put off her thoughts, and anguish tormented her entire body.
Why must an automata–a combat machine, feel pain in the first place…?
Right when she was thinking of this pointless question–

–AnchoR’s entire body was riddled with impacts, lots of hole perforated on her.

An old man’s voice could be heard from above.
“…How unbecoming. Do you not feel ashamed to be ‘Y’s masterpiece?”
Gennai Hirayama–AnchoR’s vague consciousness realized this, at least.
But her body was about to break apart, and she could not move her vision at all.
“Or is it…that electromagnetic technology is unexpectedly potent on ‘Y’s automata?”
She could not move.
Could not move could not move could not move, error, stop, error, error, error–
“I see. Perhaps that is the case. You did not make it–the command to fire the main cannon was entered.”
“Soon, it will fire–you lose.”
Gennai looked down at the writhing inheritance of ‘Y’, saying,
“Speaking of which…, I did expect this in the first place; I do apologize for this outdated line–”
Gennai continued on in bemusement, and raised the handgun in his right hand.
The gun with an electrode embedded was not a gear gun.
“This is a portable railgun meant to deal with ‘Y’s inheritance–all of you…personally, I do not hope for it to be effective in any way, but it appears that it is better to be prepared.”
Saying that, Gennai aimed at the target.
The gun was pointed at the head of the writhing AnchoR.
–A gunshot.
The supersonic bullet that was accelerated by electricity–was fired as this sound was discharged.

“Connection’s complete! Marie!”
“I’m done here too! Activating it now. Everyone, get ready to retreat!”
–73 minutes, 52 seconds.
That was the moment Naoto and Marie controlled the grids next to Akihabara.
That was a great beyond human knowledge, an accomplishment not out of God’s hands–but out of humans.
For within such a short time, the duo created a new circuit for the severely damaged ‘Heaven’s Pillar’.
Assuming that even if there was a detailed blueprint, it would take a week to understand the structure.
But even so–the time limit passed without mercy.

Vermouth yelled sarcastically,
“No need for any prep! Let’s just scamper and jump out from that holee! Are we going to greet the military first before leaving? Look at them sending us off from so close!”
He said as he fired the gun over the barricade.
The ‘military’ in front of him, dated machines and weapons, were closing upon him.
Houko did not sound optimistic–but Marie felt that there were still soldiers amongst the remaining Tokyo ‘military’ who had some spine.
They were the remnants of the Imperial Escorts and the soldiers rushing in from the other grids.
They began their assault on the fortress soon after 50 minutes passed, before they could assemble their forces fully.
From a military standpoint, they committed a critical error of sending in waves after waves–
But for Marie’s side, it was a tough battle, for RyuZU and AnchoR were not present, and they had to defend the base through Vermouth in his prosthetic and the heavy-armed automata Halter.
The duo blocked the incoming, desperate forces, and one would have to laud their efforts.
But for Naoto–no, everyone felt worried.
The limit had already passed. It was already two minutes past the next firing moment Naoto mentioned.
Naoto did say that it would be 72 minutes ‘earliest’. Perhaps it would take more than 80 minutes–or perhaps it could be fired at this moment.
But Naoto was more worried about–
“Damn it–please, AnchoR, RyuZU…”
Perhaps the delay of two minutes was out of AnchoR or RyuZU’s sacrifice.
But he hoped that these two minutes were not earned with the biggest sacrifice in his life–

On one hand, Marie with busy with the final adjustments during this time, and at the same time, yelled at Houko,
“You hear me!? We’re going to heat up Grid Akihabara to 2,000 Degrees Celsius! Heat up the surroundings of that weapon to 30,000 Degrees!”
–Am I sane? Marie wondered.
She was more terrified of what she said than anyone else.
But considering that she had to destroy that weapon, she felt that the temperature was too low–Marie shook her head.
“The surrounding is heating up, and it’ll be done soon–but it’ll take around 30 seconds for the frame of Grid Akihabara to be demagnetized! After 30 seconds Houko, please use that terminal to give the command. The bypass will break, and the temperature will lower.”
“Yes–I understand.”
Houko nodded in response to Marie’s instructions.
Naoto yelled impatiently.
“Hey, Marie! Aren’t you done yet!? Hurry up!”
“Got it! Right now–”
Marie yelled, and right when she was about to proceed with the final step.
Suddenly…she was tentative.

It was true–that she learned.
She gained the recognition of things she probably would not have known of. She gained the ability to see what she could not see.
She accepted that she was not a genius, and decided to become a genius.
But despite that, no, because of that–she was just a human.
Her fingertip was holding the trigger that could possibly destroy the world.
…Is it really alright? Did I not make a mistake? Am I being too conceited?
It’s the first time I’m doing this, working on my instincts, an unprecedented mechanical construct.
I never tested it–no, it’s impossible not to fail here.
But–if I fail, Tokyo, this country will fall.
I get the feeling that I might fatally affect this planet.
With this fingertip of mine–I might become the human that would kill the most humans in history.
Her teeth were rattling, the sensation on her fingertip vanished.
The tense, agitated feeling scorched her mind, her thoughts unable to make a breakthrough, and she felt she could faint at any given moment.
–There’s no doubt. This is the right thing to do.
No matter how she tried to convince herself, the fear she had showed no signs of abating.
Suddenly, she felt skeptical.
–What were those guys thinking at first when they started the coup d’etat?
They did do something that could have potentially destroyed the world. What drove them to–
“…Hey Marie, hurry up. What are you dab…ah, need a toilet break?”
I see–Marie understood.
Once she understood, she found that the matter was terrifyingly simply.
“This is the second time now. I’m going to kill you afterwards–!!”
–It was rage.
In her fury, Marie smashed the enter key.

At that moment–the ‘Heaven’s Pillar’ let out a hum of a throbbing.
Would it succeed or fail–Marie left those thoughts aside, and stood up.
This should be enough IT should be able to stand.
That’s how ‘Y’ did this–those two units are proof. That’s good enough!
She turned her head around, and found Naoto happily tapping at the terminal.
“Alright–! Now then, you’re in the way, so back down now♪”
A clear tapping sound echoed.
And with the impact and boom akin to that of a massive explosion, the air let out a howl on the other end of the barricade.
The winds blew the ‘military’, becoming a tornado in the passage that let out a deep howl hitting the inner walls.
–This was a downburst on a very small scale.
Following that were keyboard sounds,
“Everyone ! Let’s escape–from the hole on the floor–!!”
Naoto yelled,
At that moment, there was an upstream from the massive hole on the floor,
And in the face of the typhoon-like winds, Halter said,
“…Hey Naoto. The hole on the floor…so what?
“We’re jumping down, of course. What else?”
“Any parachute?”
“None–that’s why I summoned the winds.”
Naoto stood by the hole as the winds roared, saying,
“A freefall from here, and we’ll be able to ride the wind and land below–I guess.”
“It’s fine, fine, really. I say that we can do it. It’s just a mindset issue. Don’t give up, uncle.”
“…Are you kidding me? Well, I didn’t ask you how we’re going to retreat at first–but this has to be a lie, right?”
Halter groaned. One could hear from his tone that if it was his original cyborg body, he probably would have slapped his bald head.
The distance between their location and the ground was approximately 60km.
At this height, even Vermouth or Halter’s machines could not possibly escape unscath, let alone Naoto and Marie who were of human flesh and blood.
But Vermouth patted Halter’s body lightly, and leaped into the air,
“I’m making my move first! Let’s rrrrrooooo–!”
The yell was contorted due to the Doppler effect.
Halter’s sensors clearly picked up that Vermouth’s body was decelerating as he rode down the massive winds, gliding to the floor.
Naoto, who pricked his ears to listen too, said,
“Alright, looks like it succeeded. Then, I can fly–!!!”
He yelped, and jumped into the air.
After that, Halter seemed to have given up and he jumped down from the side of the hole.
Finally, Marie was the only one left, and she turned to her good friend beside her, saying,
“Now then–I’ll leave the rest to you, Houko.”
“–Yes, I shall indicate all of you as high profile criminals. Do relax.”
Houko smiled as she answered.
This probably would be the last time they would meet–so Marie thought.
The Princess of a country and a savage terrorist–there probably would not be a direct chance for them to meet again.
From henceforth, their paths would never meet, for they would walk down different paths.
I don’t regret this decision, but, just a little–right when marie was thinking of this, and feeling melancholic…
Houko raised her left hand at Marie.
She was wearing a silver watch on it.
Marie smiled, and began running off.
The palm of her close friend was dangling in front of her, and as they passed, with the sound of a hit–
At that moment, Marie leaped out from the edge of the hole,
Later on, the ‘military’ regrouped, barged through the barricade, and charged in.

A brief voice of surprise was blurted out.
The supersonic bullet accelerated by electricity–stopped in the air.
Two sharp scythes reached out, blocking the bullet.
A girl in black dress spoke with a clear singing-like voice,
“It is the servant’s duty to obediently follow the Master’s orders. And also–”
The black scythe spun along with the words.
Then, Gennai’s right hand that was wielding the right hand was severed, flying into the air.
“….It is the older sister’s responsibility to take care of the little sister, and stop her from being too reckless.”
Saying that, the girl–RyuZU, bowed with an elegant motion.
On the other hand, Gennai, whose arm was lopped off, looked utterly confounded, his face contorted.
It was not due to the pain of losing his arm.
“–Impossible…why did it not fire–!?”
But because the impact of the main cannon primed to be fired did not reach him.
And while Gennai showed no restraint in his emotions, RyuZU sneered, answering,
“–I came here through the hole my sister opened–and in the meantime, severed approximately 18 of movements with this meager power of mine. Looking at how your gaudy expression is right now, that if your head is lopped off and put in an arts gallery as an exhibit titled ‘imbecile’, I suppose I did something that was of ill will to you–this truly is a blissfulness akin to ascending to the Heavens.”
Upon hearing the voice voice that was filled with static, RyuZU turned her vision down.
Right below her was the sight of AnchoR, so thoroughly damaged, her limbs lost.
RyuZU frowned as she saw that–and abruptly swung the black scythe.
The scythe swung at with pace, hitting AnchoR hard on the head.
The latter’s body stopped breaking apart, reverting back to being that of a young girl.
“…It hurts…uu…you hit me…sister…”
AnchoR, so worn out, twisted her body, inadvertently snivelling.
AnchoR did not realize the change within her.
She did not know that the moment she was hit, the black scythe of her older sister accurately cut off the Balance Wheel of the ‘Perpetual Gear’, stopping her ‘Steel Weight’–if the severed part was just a little off, she probably would not be able to move again.
Without letting her little sister realize the close shave that happened, RyuZU nonchalantly replied,
“–Yes, I did remind you that if you had no intention of returning, I would punish you.”
AnchoR realized the bad state she was in, and let out a little groan.
RyuZU watched on with a smile, and then followed it up with a grim expression.
Gennai, holding his arm and breathing erratically, bemoaned,
“…I couldn’t win after all…?”
“Against who? You never did lose to anyone.”
The topaz eyes were giving off a snide glint.
With elegance and spiteful mockery, RyuZU bowed like a posh lady, saying,
“For you who had already admitted defeat to yourself right from the beginning, it was really unbecoming of you to have the misconception that you were fighting against Master Naoto, and I really do hope that you could have shrank this grave misunderstanding to a portable level, at least.”
She paused.
“–I should have caught up to AnchoR with ‘Mute Scream’, but there are two reasons why I did not do that. Thus, I do have to require you to apologize to me for having to endure your uncouth eyes.”
As to be expected, Gennai did not move.
But RyuZU did not mind as she knelt down beside AnchoR.
“First off, to bring AnchoR back.”
Once AnchoR entered ‘Steel Weight’, the initial burst of speed was something not even ‘Mute Scream’ could match up to.
But as long as she continued with the self-destructive actions, her speed would naturally slow down.
If RyuZU was to accelerate and hit AnchoR at that moment, the impacts of moving things under different time axis could have damaged AnchoR.
Thus, RyuZU did not show up, but immediately gave chase once AnchoR jumped down. She went straight for the little sister who caused so much devastation–but even so, it took her quite some time.
–And also, she continued,
“Secondly, I do not wish for you to die while unconscious. I really cannot allow myself to do such a merciful act”
With a beaming smile, RyuZU indicated this, and sensed a change.
The surrounding temperature was rising.
“–Thank goodness, AnchoR.”
Looks like she has yet to realize, RyuZU nodded quietly in her heart.
–It was thanks to AnchoR that Naoto and the others lived on, and managed to do it.
You shall be properly reward RyuZU quietly noted to AnchoR in her heart, and smiled, before saying to Gennai,
“Now then…as for this old body in a pitiful state, I can grant your wish and let you be cooked as it you–or perhaps I should say, that if possible, I do wish to see your flesh burned, your blood boil, and your eyeballs reduced to white filth as you die, until I reach my temperature limit–”
Saying this, RyuZU hugged AnchoR,
“But though this is really against my personal wish, Master Naoto commanded that killing is bad for AnchoR’s emotional education, and a certain girl wishes to preside over your fate.”
At that moment, the black scythe raced.
The weapons and equipment on Gennai were reduced to scrap. The black scythe then twisted like a whip, smacking the back of his head with the back of the blade.
Naturally, Gennai passed out, and was nimbly picked up by RyuZU’s scythe.
“…How filthy. There is a need to clean up later. I did use my fastest speed possible to shake off the blood and fat from sticking off when I chopped the arm off…but this is merely an issue of feeling. It will be a great help to me if you do not move.”
RyuZU turned around.
She embraced AnchoR tenderly, and with the old man dangling, backtracked at full speed.
“Ahh, do pardon me if you are burned because we could not escape in time, for it shall be an accident.”

A few seconds after RyuZU and the rest left the scene.
–A sun appeared in the center of Grid Akihabara.
The photosphere was at 2,000 Degrees Celsius–and the core was exceptionally hot, at 30,000 Degrees. The sun devoured the massive weapon along with Grid Akihabara, scorching the landscape, removing the magnetism–
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