Monday, August 8, 2016

Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance:Volume7 Chapter7

"There's no need for you to apologize, Ellis. Speaking of which, I'm the one who can't do anything here."
Kamito shook ahead and disagreed with Ellis who was disheartened by her own excessive seriousness.
"But we are definitely out of ideas. Perhaps we should contact Claire and Rinslet on the west side."
"Hmm, that is true."
--Just at this moment.
Kamito suddenly sensed a presence.
"--Ellis, lie down now."
Taking Ellis' hand, Kamito pushed her against the ground.
"Wha... K-Kamito, this is not the time...!"
"Oh no... B-But, th-the first time really should be done on the bed..."
Ignoring Ellis who mumbled with her face all red, Kamito focused his attention on observing the surrounding presences.
(...This is not a spirit but the presence of an elementalist.)
While erasing his own presence, Kamito placed his hand on the Demon Slayer.
Kamito's serious expression made Ellis stop talking.
The presence could be sensed across the thicket and was approaching them.
Most likely, the other party had already noticed Kamito and Ellis.
Was this just an opposing team patrolling at night? If possible, Kamito hoped that they could leave each other alone, but the other party seemed quite determined.
(If we get into an encounter battle right now...)
Even though there was little chance of losing, time was currently of the essence.
(...In that case, I will make the first move and finish it instantly!)
Kamito made his decision as he infused divine power into Terminus Est.
Silver-white light illuminated the dark night. Sensing the other party's momentary fear from the brightness, Kamito dashed into the depths of the thicket.
Pushing forward like a gale, he slashed with godlike speed.
The sound of metal clashing rang out as intense sparks scattered in the darkness of the night.
(...I was blocked!?)
Such reaction speed was not normal. The other person was clearly quite accomplished.
Furthermore, even though he had not used maximum power, the opponent had managed to survive the Demon Slayer's attack after all.
(...Could it be, this person is!)
Illuminated by the sacred sword, the opponent's appearance finally entered Kamito's view.
The one who blocked Kamito's sword with one hand, equipped with gauntlets, was--
Her white hair particularly striking in the darkness, she was the girl with azure eyes.
"...Shao Fu of the White Tiger?"
"You are actually... Kazehaya Kamito?"
They both spoke at the same time.
For a brief period, they both maintained their elemental waffen in this engaged posture, not moving at all--
At this time, a series of footsteps was heard from deeper in the thicket.
"Shao, what on earth... Ah, y-you are--!"
The one who appeared was the Four Gods's sovereign. Her Highness Linfa Sin Quina the imperial princess.
"Bestial king of lust Kazehaya Kamito! Why have you made your presence here!"
"B-Bestial king of lust, what the heck..."
Kamito slumped his shoulders as if completely drained.
...He felt like all vigor had been lost.
"Kamito, what on earth is going on..."
Pursuing from behind, Ellis also arrived.
Shao used her other arm to restrain Linfa.
"Linfa-sama, please stay back--"
Still wielding his sword in a stance, Kamito frowned.
(...This looks quite unusual.)
Why would the Four Gods leave their stronghold and appear in this place during a time like this?
Also, it was most unnatural for Linfa to have only Shao as her lone bodyguard.
"I did not expect to encounter you here..."
Shao gritted her teeth, as if intending to guard Linfa with her life.
(...Looks like something must have happened.)
Based on the situation, perhaps a pointless fight could be avoided.
"Hey, Shao, could you wait a little bit?"
"To be frank, I have no intention of fighting. Your side should be the same, right?"
Saying that, Kamito slowly withdrew his sword--
With an expression of mild surprise, Shao relaxed from her combat stance.
...I knew it. Neither of us wanted to attack.
"Right now, I have no intention to battle you. If we can leave each other alone in peace, that would be a great help."
Reassured, Shao exhaled with relief.
...On further examination, Kamito found her dress torn and tattered, and she had numerous wounds on her arms and legs.
This damage were definitely not sustained during the blade dance this morning.
"For an elementalist of your level, who could have injured you to this level? Where are your other comrades?"
Hearing Kamito's question--
Shao bit her lip as if suppressing intense chagrin.
"The Four Gods have been vanquished. We fell into the witch's trap."
---Shocking words have been uttered.
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