Sunday, August 7, 2016

Monogatari Series:Nekomonogatari (White)/Tsubasa Tiger 017

After that, they had dinner (for posterity, they had bread, for some reason. The kitchen didn't only have a rice cooker, but a bread maker too. Apparently, the bread is a side dish to rice for them.), took a shower together again, washed themselves and, to restore their energy for the next day, Senjougahara Hitagi and Hanekawa Tsubasa fell asleep before ten.
And that's my cue to wake up nyan.
Me, I am as you all know a nyew abnormality based on the Hindering Cat, the one that annyoying Aloha nyamed 'Black Hanekawa' nyan.
Steathily, without making a sound, I slipped out of bed (unlike vacuum cleaners, moving without a sound is a cat's speciality nyan)
"Nnngh, nyaaaa!"
and stretched.
I'm guessing everyone's already figured it out so I probably don't need to explain, but when my mistress Hanekawa Tsubasa sleeps, the chapters jump because it's my turn on-stage nyan.
I'm just an abnyormality so I don't really get it, but thanks to the knyow-how from Mistress, I knyow that sleeping doesn't mean just resting the body, but resting the mind nyan -- I'm nyot exactly the thinking type, and stuff like 'spirituality' doesn't mean much of anything to me, so I don't really knyow, but apparently, that 'thinking' thing living beings do can be a pretty big load nyan.
That's why humans spend a third of every single day, a third of their entire lives, in the act of sleeping nyaa.
Everyone sleeps.
Even Mistress sleeps.
But this time, this 'sleeping' just isn't enyough rest for her mind nyaa -- it's hard to say just how much Mistress realizes herself, I mean, I'm stupid and even I knyow, Mistress is really just too slow when it comes to her own 'pain', so slow that she might as well nyot feel it at all, but seeing the house she's lived in for fifteen years burn down had a terrible impact on her mind, which is to say, her soul nyaa.
That's why I'm out and about right nyow.
The third appearance of Black Hanekawa nyaa.
I guess with Golden Week, and then that time just before the Cultural Festival (what's that nyah?), this is my third appearance nyan.
Anyway, you could say the me during Golden Week, the me before the Cultural Festival, and the me right are different things nyan -- or as humans like to say, different people nyaa.
Or should that be different cats nyaa?
Anyway, just like how I can't tell different humans apart, to a human the contrast between each different appearances of the Hindering Cat -- of Black Hanekawa just isn't something they need to identify me, nyot when we're all pretty much the same nyaa.
The point is, if we put it in terms of articles, we'd only ever use an 'a', and never a 'the'. Maybe it's easier if I say we just don't have a plural form.
If a human sees three monsters, they're nyot Monster A, Monster B and Monster C, just 'monsters'.[1]
So I'm nyot Hanekawa C, but I'm nyot Hanekawa 3 either -- I'm just Black Hanekawa nyan.
Hope y'all can keep that in mind.
I said this and headed to the changing room.
And then I looked at the mirror.
Hair transformed to pure white.
Cat ears growing out from my head.
Big, round cat eyes.
When I first 'awoke' in the ruins of that tutorial school, there hadn't been a mirror nyan, and all I could do was try to figure out what was going on (and though I totally trust Mistress, even without looking in the mirror, with those sweats, I could tell something's nyot right with her fashion sense) and when I 'awoke' this morning, I was still pretty sleepy and didn't do a thing, but cats are nyocturnyal, my brain just doesn't work when the sun's up nyaa.
So basically, this is the first time I've looked into a mirror nyan.
"Mmmmn. Cat ears really give a different look with short hair nyan."
I washed my face while looking over these very important things.
People in this country used to say that a cat washing its face brings rain the next day, but this is totally unrelated nyaa.
I left the changing room and took the key on top of the wardrobe. Of course, it's the key to the front door nyaa.
That shady human bastard Araragi Koyomi probably thought before that I'm so stupid I can't even use a key, but let me tell you nyaa, that's just a load of crap, I do too knyow use a key. Don't look down on us humanyoid abnyormalities nyaa.
Moving stealthily -- stealthily so that I don't wake up this Senjougahara Hitagi, who's some kind of friend to Mistress -- I silently opened the door, and just as silently locked it again.
Well, I say 'friend' nyah, but she's supposed to Mistress' enemy. It's probably weird for me to be so careful around her, then, but nyah, I'm just following Mistress' wishes.
At least Mistress,
has never hated this woman.
Nyot even once.
I didn't put on any shoes.
It's hard to move in those things nyan.
I'd like to keep using my toes, thank you nyaa.
By the way, there're probably some people worrying that, since I'm out and about when Mistress is sleeping, doesn't that mean she isn't resting at all?
Thanks for the concern nyan.
But it's all right.
It's fine nyan.
I'm the balancer to Mistress' mind, so to speak nyan -- basically, it actually heals Mistress' mind when I'm 'out', even when I'm doing nyathing in particular nyan.
And it's nyot a problem at all physically because this isn't tiring. I'm an abnyormality, so even when I use a human body, I move the flesh using totally different principles, so Mistress' body is probably more restful right nyow than it is when she sleeps nyan.
Besides, think about this for a second.
Nyo matter how good Mistress is at making beds, there's nyo way you can sleep well on a desk in a bundle of cardboard without aching all over -- that thing isn't a bed, it's just a hair-messer-upper nyah. And it's all very nice and touching to sleep in the same bed as a friend who would cry for you, which granted is miles better than what she was sleeping in before, but it's pretty nyormal to nyot sleep well with a nyew bed and pillow nyah.
The fact that that didn't happen and Mistress is getting her 'refreshing' and healthy beauty sleep is, and I don't mean to brag, all thanks to me nyan.
I'm the incarnyation of Mistress' stress, in other words, the symbol of her 'tiredness', so by cutting me away like this, Mistress herself should get some peace and quiet nyan.
And even if that's nyot getting all the facts right, the fact that Mistress doesn't knyow what being 'half-awake' means is at least all thanks to me nyan.
That human bastard compared me to a nightmare, but I don't knyow if that's a coincidence or he's really that sharp nyan -- I'm like 'sleep' itself to Mistress.
Her dreams nyan.
But, well, when that's nyot enyough to cover it, then like Golden Week, I'll just go around and use my Energy Drain on whatever humans I can find -- but don't worry nyaa.
I'm nyot going to be doing anything so over-the-top this time.
There's nyo point nyaa.
Besides, like that human bastard says, the way I appear like this, I'm like the after-effects of the abnyormality, the echo of it -- in the end, I'm just a phenyomenyon and nyathing else.
Like el Niñyo. Or is that El Niñyaa?
There's nyot much I can do nyaa.
Just, make sure she doesn't get any nightmares.
I can't do much except come out like this nyan.
This is the best I can do to take care of Mistress' mental side of things -- that's pretty much the same as doing nyathing, though.
But nyaa, like Aloha says, 'every abnyormality has its fitting reasons', so maybe, even if I'm just an echo, just a hallucinyation, I still do have some meaning nyan.
Well, you can't do what you can't do.
I'll just do what I can.
As much as I can nyaa.
Looking at it like this, the me right nyow and the me from before really are different -- I don't feel like making things work out or forcing things to get solved at all nyaa.
Looks like I've gotten soft, if I do say so myself.
But cats are soft, obviously.
Nyah, that's nyot right.
Mistress is the one who's gotten soft.
We say 'abnyormalities' and 'humans', but ultimately, Mistress and I are the same being, so if Mistress softens up, then I'll curl up and sleep, too.
I don't need to wait for winter.
Don't even need a kotatsu to sleep under nyaa.
Mistress has thought a lot about that Senjougahara Hitagi and her 'rebirth', and gets really excited about having that Araragi Koyomi bastard reborn (she got teased for her 'rehab program' nyan) but even Mistress has been reborn, I think, compared to before.
Maybe nyot 'reborn', but 'restructured' nyaa?
I can watch Mistress from within, from inside her heart -- I knyow this well about her nyaa.
But you know how her family situation is nyaa.
It'd probably be weirder if she hadn't started going off in the wrong direction nyaa.
It's just like Mistress for her wrong directions to lead to being an honyor student -- though she's dropped her act as an honyor student, too, cutting her hair and taking off her glasses.
There's been a lot of opinions about that from people around her, but to me, it's nyathing but a good thing nyan.
I agree with Senjougahara Hitagi there nyaa.
I'll completely disappear one day.
Disappear, gone.
This is a transition period nyaa -- where Mistress is being completed nyaa.
You could say that something like me is just a delusion of puberty.
Nyo matter how long you wait until you go out to discover the world, by the time you do come back,
everyone forgets the imaginyary friend they made up when they were kids nyan.
Well, it'd be a lie to say it's nyot a bit lonely, but this has been my role since the very beginning, and I won't go against the flow nyan.
With every meeting comes a parting.
Abnyormalities are just the same.
I just have to do what I can --
"Nyan-nyan -- this way nyan?"
I didn't go down the stairs, but leapt onto the roof of this apartment, Warren Villa, and carefully watched everything in a complete circle around me.
"Nyo -- this way."
If you ask me why I got out of bed and left the room -- what I was doing if I wasn't trying to Energy Drain someone, then, nyaa, a walk at night, I guess nyan?
When I 'came out' in the ruins, and this morning, this sort of 'action' is really what I should've been doing right away, but even I need some time to prepare nyaa.
But nyow.
"Mmn. Mmmmn. There we go nyah."
It didn't take long for me to find my target -- as soon as I did, without a sound, I flew.
Yeah, cats can fly nyan.
Nya, that's a lie.
But the jumping power of Black Hanekawa can overcome mountains nyan -- though this time I'll be careful and nyot to make a sound.
If I really seriously jumped, the apartment under my feet would collapse nyaa.
Still, this is enyough for jumping five hundred meters nyan.
There's nyo need to keep quiet after coming this far nyaa, so I landed with a boom, crashing straight through into the asphalt.
It was a road, with nyot a single car passing by in the night.
And right in front of me,
was a tiger nyan.

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