Sunday, August 7, 2016

Monogatari Series:Nekomonogatari (White)/Tsubasa Tiger 018

`A Hindering Cat... no, you are not. You are not a Hindering Cat. Yet you can be nothing else. You... what are you?`
The Tiger -- the tiger so unrealistically gigantic, just looking at it messes with your sense of depth -- watched me and cocked its head, looking curious.
It's a pretty rare thing to see, a tiger cocking its head nyan.
Makes me want to take a picture and upload it to my blog nyan.
"That's nyot totally wrong nyan -- actually, a small part of me is different, and my basis is different, but, well, I'm nyot that different."
I tried to appeal to it in a friendly way, and smiled as much as I could when I said this,
`Is that so? You seem utterly different to me -- `
but the Tiger nyarrowed its eyes and its expression didn't change.
It's nyo good to judge abnormalities based on what you see, but it looks like we're nyot building a good relationship with our first impressions nyaa.
` -- The Hindering Cat, as I know it, is a meager abnormality with no sense of existence, at times there and at times not. But you -- `
"Well -- I can't argue with that nyan."
I didn't bother making a case against it.
A Hindering Cat doesn't usually have a physical form nyaa. It's probably more correct to call it a ghost story than an actual abnyormality -- and besides, even if that's nyot the case, from this thing's point of view, most abnyormalities probably look like they don't really exist and sort of drift in and out.
I don't need to point out that the tiger is a holy beast[1]
"There's a lot of different stuff, y'know. Even stuff like me."
`I see.`
The tiger nodded.
Nyot interested nyan.
Like something like me just isn't worth its time nyan.
`Well, something like you is hardly worth my time.`
It actually said it.
That's just annyoying nyan.
`Yet I must demand your purpose. As the same kind of abnormality, you must know the meaning of obstructing my path.`
"The 'same kind'?"
This time, I cocked my head.
Me and it, we should have totally different origins as abnyormalities -- oh, that's nyot what it means.
Just, the same type of animal.
Cat and tiger -- that's probably what it means nyaa.
Right, right.
I said.
"Of course I knyow nyaa -- I'm nyot going to get in your way. Last thing on my mind nyan. I'm nyot really the thinking type, but I knyow my place nyaa."
`You certainly are not the thinking type -- the doubt remains whether you understand your own position.`
This tiger is being really rude.
But it sure talks a lot for nyot being a humanyoid abnyormality nyaa.
That actually makes me feel more uneasy.
`Well, then why do you stand there?`
"I'm just here to annyounce something nyaa -- I don't care why you came to this city, or why you're here nyow. You should just do what you want, do whatever it is you're meant to do. Whatever that's supposed to be, well, that's nyot worth my time. That's just how we abnyormalities are. But,"
I said.
It shouldn't be called an annyouncement.
It should be called a declaration of war nyan.
"If you try to hurt Mistress more than you already have -- I'll kill you."
`...I see.`
It accepted my words.
The Tiger - silently nodded in consent.
Digesting my words.
Chewing them over - really biting into the meat.
It nodded.
`I thought I recognized you from somewhere... you. You are her. So you -- are you possessing that girl?`
"I'm nyot possessing her nyan -- maybe if I'm a real Hindering Cat. But I'm pretty much her."
The Tiger finyally remembered who I am, nyo, who Mistress is, and I explained a bit. If I don't explain it nyow, it wouldn't understand nyaa -- even that specialist, that Aloha bastard doesn't knyow everything.
Nyo one knyows the truth about abnyormalities.
"We became the same, nyo, it's better to say we became one. I am Mistress, and Mistress is me -- she's the myain personyality, of course, but I actually have the initiative sometimes. Because I'm the part that myakes up her mind's fundamental, primeval basis nyaa."
`Hmph. That means nothing to me.`
The Tiger said it again.
I don't care if I'm liked or nyot, but I do want it to pay more attention to me nyan.
`An abnormality that supports a human. That is -- hardly rare. However, an abnormality like you should understand it best. The special trait of the abnormality cannot be repressed. It is the problem of the one who saw.`
`That "Mistress" of yours saw me -- that is all that matters.`
The Tiger said,
and -- glared at me.
I jumped in an instant nyan.
I thought, this is going bad -- it felt like we were going to go straight into a fight.
The tiger is terrifyingly violent -- terrifyingly short-tempered --
So I jumped.
I jumped,
and flew.
I didn't just take a step backwards, but did something much bigger, a full-power jump -- like really flying, like really overcoming mountains.
after five minutes of flight time, I made a rolling landing outside the city, and right in front of me, who knows how it manyaged to get ahead of me --
It was the Tiger.
`All futile. She -- that girl saw me. That is the only crucial point, that is the only important point. I -- have already begun.`
If my words were a declaration of war,
then the Tiger's was like an ultimatum.

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